
adj.  不协调的;不和谐的;不调和的


  1. The students were less fond of inharmonic chords like [ dissonant chord].
  2. But an ensemble of gamelan masters, who play inharmonic instruments like gongs, might beg to differ.
  3. On the contrary, when we hate someone else, his consciousness will also clearly identify the message and produce an inharmonic turbulence.
  4. An Inharmonic and Weak Damped Amendment to Simple Pendulum Movement
  5. So we must adopt appropriate countermeasures, as we make insurance founds into security investment founds, to change the inharmonic situation as quickly as possible.
  6. Though American and Japanese government maintained the existence of U. S. base, the conflicts in Okinawa have changed into the inharmonic notes in U. S.-Japan alliance relation and formed a crack, which cannot be mended.
  7. Result: The results showed that some factors, which include moderate and severe morning sick, thirsty for much caring from her husband, heavily physical labor, busy household, inharmonic character and domestic violence, could result in adverse psychology.
  8. It is indicated from the origin of normal fault that the control effect of basin basement on the structural deformation of cap rocks is the product of inharmonic deformation between basement and cap rocks during evolution of basin.
  9. In the third part of the paper, some key negative impacts are analyzed deeply, which are resulted by the inharmonic development between urban real estate investment and economic growth in current China.
  10. Analysis of Inharmonic Partials in the Piano Sound Spectrum
  11. On base of analysis to simulation result, it was point out the main cause making dissimilar metal's bonding so difficult was metal's inharmonic plastic deformation.
  12. Fifth, it hinders the development of the local economy, in that it expands the financial power gap between the regions, which would lead to the inharmonic of the society. 2.
  13. Different kinds of belief system structure will have different impacts on society; the issue concerning it can not only reflect the inharmonic aspect in the society, but also lead to social contradiction.
  14. Therefore, it brought forward a inharmonic design theory of gear amplitude transformer, which can design resonant system of thin plate helical gear in ultrasonic honing.



  1. lacking in harmony

      Synonym:    discordantdisharmoniousdissonant