
英 [ɪnˈhɛrɪtənsɪz] 美 [ɪnˈhɛrətənsɪz]

n.  继承物(如金钱、财产等); 遗产继承; 遗传特征; 遗产


  1. N-VAR 遗产;继承物
    An inheritance is money or property which you receive from someone who has died.
    1. She feared losing her inheritance to her stepmother.
  2. N-COUNT 转接物;沿袭物
    If you get something such as job, problem, or attitude from someone who used to have it, you can refer to this as an inheritance .
    1. ...the situation that was Truman's inheritance as President.
  3. N-SING 得自遗传的特征
    Your inheritance is the particular characteristics or qualities which your family or ancestors had and which you are born with.
    1. Eye colour shows your genetic inheritance.


  1. Your wife isn't demanding that your future inheritances be included in the settlement.
  2. That's not the case for one major reason: transformation contexts do not support multiple inheritances.
  3. Objective-C only supports single inheritance between classes, while UML supports multiple inheritances.
  4. This is a good time to focus on shared property, inheritances, insurance matters, and how to deal with the someone else's values when you don't agree with them!
  5. Over half of American Universities rely on donated inheritances, stocks, properties or cash, just to stay open.
  6. Unexpected news about shared property, insurance matters, inheritances, wills, taxes, debt and the wealth of others is likely this week.
  7. For many people, the words 'estate planning' may conjure up thoughts of large inheritances and tax shelters.
  8. The country dances throughout Europe probably all represent, at least in part, inheritances via gesunkenes kulturgut of such popular nineteenth-century social dances as the spirited cotillon, in which partners were exchanged, and the quadrille, a dance for four couples.
  9. The adage that "money can't buy happiness" is quite wrong, with even quite small lottery wins or inheritances able to produce lasting contentment, new research published in Britain has shown.
  10. National demographic inheritances therefore matter.
  11. Stocks, taxes, loans, inheritances, lotteries, and investments could also work out quite nicely.
  12. On the mundane level, the8th house deals with debts, loans, joint finances, legacies and inheritances.
  13. Critical of the self-indulgence of the super-rich, Buffett thinks of inheritances as "privately funded food stamps" that keep children of the rich from leading normal, independent lives.
  14. Her extravagance ate into her husband's inheritances.
  15. He allots the imposts, taxes each person conscientiously, judges quarrels for nothing, divides inheritances without charge, pronounces sentences gratuitously;
  16. Some equivalent conditions and the properties of Weak locally uniformly convex Banach spaces are given, and the inheritances of Weak local uniform convexity in a product and ultraproduct spaces are discussed.
  17. If you left a will, your executor could sell your possessions, pay off the mortgage and give your kids their inheritances in a few weeks.
  18. If a judge determines the will maker had not understood the full extent of the consequences of his or her actions, inheritances can therefore be redistributed.
  19. Taoism inheritances and develop the Taoist idea and gives it the color of theology.
  20. Then, the thesis explores other southern literary traditions such as monumental historical consciousness, the romantic and realistic elements, and Gothic novel and how these literary inheritances found their expression specifically in Faulkner's works.
  21. Studies on relationship between kernel growth and size and their inheritances in corn
  22. As an important part making up of traditional culture of nationality, ethnic dress is one of ways of non-language culture communication, and it plays an important role in preservation and inheritances of traditional culture.
  23. This essay holds that the abundant connotation of the real humanistic spirit actually covers the inheritances and influences of historical cultures on contemporary cultures.
  24. It is valuable to the study of the construction of grammatical system in Ming Dynasty, the development of Chinese grammar, and to the relationship between the origins and inheritances of ancient Chinese, Chinese of modern times and modern Chinese.
  25. Dividing and merging cells can create dynamical structured form and multiple inheritances embedded forms.
  26. With a long history, rich content of outstanding Chinese traditional ideology and culture is a huge spiritual wealth, which is worth cherishing because it contains many, many worthy inheritances.
  27. The nationwide investigation of archives documentary inheritances mainly includes two aspects.
  28. In recent years, commercial development has twisted the objective of administrating and protecting dual inheritance. Additionally, economic development demands and deficiency in human financial and material resources have also brought more difficulties for the protection of inheritances.
  29. The endangered archives documentary inheritances mean the archives in imminent vanishing or thorough damage, which have the most urgent demand to be protected.