That nasty shock cured him of his inquisitiveness for ever. 那次严重的打击把他爱管闲事的毛病彻底治好了。
But by the time Madison was2, she knew her letters and numbers because of her own inquisitiveness. 但是当Madison两岁的时候,她认识了她的名字的字母和数字,是因为她自己的好奇。
The inquisitiveness and the willingness to try is so important for design, for developing those tentative fragile ideas into a real product. 好奇心和乐于尝试的意愿对于设计、以及将这些尝试性的脆弱创意变成一件真实的产品非常重要。
Maria Montessori advocated respect for the mind of the child, within the prepared environment, as the way to stimulate curiosity, inquisitiveness, and life-long learning. 蒙台梭利提倡在有所准备的环境中尊重孩子的思维,从而刺激他们的求知欲,养成爱提问、终身学习的习惯。
Veteran: And at last, please remember the meaning of "Flagyellow". That's "study, innovation, inquisitiveness". 最后呢,请记住“国旗黄”的含义:“学习,创新,求知欲”。
Don't nag me all day long. ( You wouldn't want to be nagged for your inquisitiveness.) Treat me as you would like to be treated. 不要整天都对我唠叨(你也不想因你的好奇而被人唠叨)请像你所想得到的待遇一样对待我。
The passing of the age of deference, the digital revolution and the relentless inquisitiveness of 24-hour news have imposed a transparency on public affairs unknown a few decades ago. 顺从时代已经过去,数字革命以及24小时新闻频道没完没了地刨根问底,让几十年前外人无从得知的公共事件具有了透明度。
This attitude combines a lack of class consciousness, a somewhat jaunty optimism and an inquisitiveness. 这种态度包括等级观念不强,得意洋洋的乐观劲儿和刨根问底的好奇心。
XML has such advantages, as good extensibility and flexible inquisitiveness. Therefore, XML is a popular format in terms of data storage and data exchange currently. XML具有良好的可扩展性,易于查询性等优点,所以成为当前流行的数据保存和交换格式。
Secondly, there are no significant differences among critical thinking disposition during four grades, but Analyticity, Self-Confidence, Inquisitiveness show a statistically significant difference. 其次,不同年级受试者的批判性思维倾向总分之间没有显著性差异,但分析推理、自信性、质疑三个维度呈现显著性差异。
This study furnishes some pedagogical implications for the current college English teaching in China. That is, IBL focus on active learning, stimulation of interests and inquisitiveness and self-directed learning which will be beneficial to the students 'English learning and critical thinking. 本研究为当今中国的大学英语教学提供一些有益的启示,探究性学习侧重于主动学习,激发学生兴趣与求知欲和自主学习,这些都有助于学生的英语学习和批评性思维的提高。