
v.  激励;鼓舞;使振奋



  1. The conclusion is drawn out that the government should valorize the natural monopolist products to inspirit the downstream enterprises to reduce the cost.
  2. Every student of new century should have creativity and exploring inspirit in college.
  3. And usually, how does the school inspirit and stimulate the students?
  4. The past state information, state variational information and the past inspirit information were used to estimate the uncertainty and the external disturbance.
  5. He took a stride to inspirit his wits.
  6. Efficiency and fairness can inspirit each other, which not only conflicts and opposes but also connects and unites.
  7. Conclusion Because of the inspirit function's globaling and the number of the Hidden Layer'node uncertainty the BPNN was not done well.
  8. Prevent unhealthy thinking; develop high quality inspirit.
  9. Should have more intercourse with others, enhance interpersonal connections, inspirit the whole team.
  10. At the same time, the decision-maker regards the policy as the inspirit system of the government action, focusing on the aims of execution and offering the impetus for public execution.
  11. Karen Horney was an outstanding psychologist and the chief character of social culture of the inspirit analysis.
  12. Research about the Inspirit System& Take gym teachers in Fujian independent College as example
  13. Through the analysis on the architectural functions, environmental influence and dominant desire ideas of Anye building, this paper points out that only by seeking specific character and innovation can the architectural design give inspirit to the buildings.
  14. Inspirit working passion and manage the performance of the team;
  15. I will discuss about the relationship between manufacture activities and inspirit communications.
  16. Enhancing Construction of Grass Roots Cultural Center, Enriching Inspirit Culture Life of the People
  17. Gauss function is used as neural network's inspirit function, and least square rule is used to recognize the character.
  18. High-quality talented people in finance and management have become a focus in banking competition for talent, which needs banks inspirit personnel's potentials in these aspects.
  19. Fourthly, it analyses the inspirit affection ofthe investors'observation about the variable factor and so on.
  20. A tool and method be offered to entirely realize the employees 'intention and effectively inspirit employees, increasing the satisfaction degree of employees. That will improve corporation's management.
  21. The objective of stock ownership incentive is to achieve the inspirit in short term and long term.
  22. Through the analysis of the occident technical innovation inspirit theory, the paper puts forward the inspirit system of forestry enterprise technical innovation, and demonstrate the foundation of forestry enterprise technical innovation inspirit system from three sides.
  23. How to attract, hold and inspirit qualified technician of enterprises, has becoming an important task of enterprise human resource management research and have key effect to development of chongqing SOE.
  24. Start from inspirit basic theory and through analyzing and researching HS Company inspiring system, this text puts forward new ideas and design scheme as well as elaborate the main impact to enterprise management and development of building enterprise inspiring system.
  25. The article steps into the theories related to the establishment of the professionalized system for mangers and its ensurance, such as the set-up of modem enterprise system, the synchronic reformation on economic system and political system, also systems to inspirit and restrain the professional managers.
  26. Therefore, how to retain and inspirit core staffs has already been an urgent problem for these enterprises.
  27. The organizational career management inherent structure including: pay Attention to the development, ensure the system, the justice of the organization and inspirit the scientific research.
  28. Facing such situation, Chinese business enterprises must keep the talented persons and inspirit them.
  29. As a performance evaluation index, EVA have great effect on allotting the long-term capital and the inspirit system.
  30. In the fierce international and internal competition, how to attract and keep talents, how to inspirit employees with using human resource tools, how to construct and consolidate the core competition power of enterprises, which has become the important contents of the modern human resource management.



  1. infuse with spirit
    1. The company spirited him up

    Synonym:    spiritspirit up