
n.  恢(修)复;重建



  1. The instauration is normal sleep is assurance blood pressure normal of basic factor.
  2. The instauration of Export Processing Zone ( EPZ) relies on such factors as favorable elements, low price labour force and policies.
  3. Influence and Instauration of the Entironment in High and Cold Region for Airport Construction
  4. As for the instauration circulates engineering naturally, not only is a people's livelihood engineering, a national life engineering.
  5. Land right instauration and management of urban underground space in Shanghai
  6. Ratiocination of Instauration Number Formula and Its Application in Instrument Analysis
  7. The infrared ray warms up the magnetic force treatment, ameliorative blood circulation, instauration physical strength. The outer zones are the conducting routes between the crown and the roots.
  8. Natural Vitamin E, Can The Deep Layer Nourish The Hair, Making Hair Instauration Efficiently Elasticity, Rean Show The Hair Gets The Elaboration, Double And Bright.
  9. Fixed displacement pump The infrared ray warms up the magnetic force treatment, ameliorative blood circulation, instauration physical strength.
  10. So, instauration naturally circulating, is international society's most important important event, otherwise, will appear disorder, or war.
  11. Passing to establish the wetland compound ecosystem and dirty water purity system to realize ecosystem instauration and reconstruction, resolving the pollution problem thoroughly and producing a good foundation for Dianchi.
  12. We need establish regional inner knowledge pervasion and feedback mechanism, protect knowledge property right, and promote the instauration of regional cycle knowledge production system.
  13. Along with the development of market economy and the establishment of society rule of law, lawyer industry has obtained very big development since our country's lawyer system instauration.
  14. Review of Studies on Vegetation in Process of Deteriorated Grasslands Instauration
  15. The bolt being brittle after 1 to 3 overhaul period will be processed with instauration heating.
  16. The Study on Enterprise Instauration Procedure Practice
  17. Thought for Instauration CIO in Academic Degree and Graduate Education
  18. The instauration of the city water ecosystem base on the self-rebuild of ecosystem, by engineering, maintain the long-last development of the ecosystem environment.
  19. The flaw of company's instauration registration based on applicant can be classified as flaw of financial contribution, flaw of purpose and flaw of shareholder.
  20. In both post-war economic instauration and development period, for realizing a certain economic plan or industry target, almost all of countries practiced the low interest rate control policy.
  21. This paper introduced the phenomenon of the malicious code of web page attacking IE browser. Based on authors 'experiences, it puts forward the instauration methods of IE browser and the methods that can prevent the IE browser from attacking.
  22. The eyeball descend to sink, the inside sink, replies to see of 3 cases were basic instauration.
  23. In the network training module, complete the instauration of BP network, the setting of systemic parameters, the input of stylebook data and the training of the network, saves the trained network.
  24. Finally taking an actual case for example, the usefulness of this method under the circumstance of much more complicated power supply instauration path is given.
  25. Chapter 2 expounds the instauration, purchase, redemption, venture management, asset management of open-end funds in our country.
  26. The article introduced the internal organization structure of the soft disk in detail, analyzing a management of operate system to the disk data, leading to explain the principle and the process of the disk data instauration by instance.
  27. The function of the system maintenance is also provided, making it convenient users to carry on the data backup, instauration and deletion.
  28. The final purpose of foreign stock acquisition is instauration of foreign investment corporation.
  29. To provide the theoretical basis of Vegetation instauration constructs and the the choice of Planting density in the region.
  30. Found a nation initial stage, in "have the initiative to develop heavy industry" under the instruction of policy, the our country steel industry gets instauration and development, and this kind of development is health and rational.



  1. the act of starting something for the first time
    1. she looked forward to her initiation as an adult
    2. the foundation of a new scientific society

    Synonym:    initiationfoundingfoundationinstitutionoriginationcreationinnovationintroduction