
英 [ˈɪnstɪɡeɪtɪŋ] 美 [ˈɪnstɪɡeɪtɪŋ]

v.  使(正式)开始; 使发生; 煽动; 唆使; 鼓动


  1. VERB 发起;促成;鼓动;唆使
    Someone who instigates an event causes it to happen.
    1. Jenkinson instigated a refurbishment of the old gallery...
    2. The violence over the last forty-eight hours was instigated by ex-members of the secret police.
      过去 48 小时的暴力事件是在前秘密警察的煽动下爆发的。


  1. ( 10) instigating or coercing drivers to violate traffic regulations;
  2. Instigating or coercing others to work at risk of causing fire in violation of safety measures against fire, but not having resulted in serious consequences;
  3. Instigating, suborning or threatening others to commit perjury or hindering witnesses from giving testimony;
  4. A Congolese military court has convicted nine soldiers of mass rape, including an army officer accused of instigating the attack.
  5. The movie is instigating the kind of money-worship that will bring up a generation of gold diggers, Zhou said.
  6. Gang-fighting, instigating quarrels, taking liberties with women or other indecent behavior;
  7. These works played a great role in instigating the masses of the people to resist the Japanese inva-ders and achieve national liberation.
  8. This paper uses ways of video statistics to analyse the instigating way of goals on the knockout stage in2008-2009 UEFA Championship League.
  9. The mother's body is effectively controlling her intake of food, telling her what to avoid and instigating cravings to ensure her child gets what it needs.
  10. There are also indications that the Rightists in press circles are instigating the worker and peasant masses to oppose the government.
  11. The are charging the major with instigating revolt.
  12. Part of the American contribution after World War II was establishing a global economic system that allowed great powers to rise without instigating a war.
  13. Some North Korea experts say that could lead to problems over the next few years, as the son may try to build strength by pushing out opponents and instigating provocative military acts.
  14. There are time limits for lodging a complaint to EOC and instigating legal proceedings.
  15. The EU has focused on product safety co-operation with China in the past 12 months, instigating a new system of quarterly reporting on Chinese enforcement actions, to track down the source of dangerous goods.
  16. Instigating theory of crime
  17. They gather and live like packs of rabid wolves, instigating fights for supremacy.
  18. In case of abetting, instigating, coercing or aiding other people to steal electric power, a penalty shall be imposed according to the first section.
  19. The leader was charged with instigating the workers to put down tools.
  20. Paying attention to education evaluation and instigating it have come to an agreed requirement for international education management.
  21. The nature determination analysis of this paper is based on the following three behaviors, instigating to commit suicide, helping to commit suicide and not stopping the behavior when the committing suicide is seen, and how to convict of the above behavior.
  22. No matter implement the behavior, or organizational behavior, behavior of instigating, helping the behavior, the indispensable component of the criminal offence that all to accept bribes together, common causality exists with the crime results.
  23. If people with the crime status instigating or exploiting those who do not have the crime status but have the capacity to perpetrate a status crime, both are direct guilt.
  24. At the same time, instigating various forces investing in community education, making the best use of modern information technique, strengthening macro-harmonizing function of government, and constructing teaching stuff of community education mainly composed of part-time personnel and volunteers.
  25. On Crime of Instigating His Subordinates to Act in Transgression of Their Duties
  26. Judging from the main operating mechanism instigating and sound public groups, organizations responsible for social work and the courses for groups. Members to impose discipline, the establishment of joint mechanisms for the party and government management of social groups.
  27. Third, the course placement of university entrepreneurship education plays a possible supportive and positive role for instigating their entrepreneurial intention.