
英 [ˌɪntəˈdʒektɪd] 美 [ˌɪntərˈdʒektɪd]

v.  打断(别人的讲话); 插话


  1. VERB (突然)插入
    If you interject something, you say it and interrupt someone else who is speaking.
    1. 'Surely there's something we can do?' interjected Palin...
    2. He listened thoughtfully, interjecting only the odd word.


  1. 'Surely there's something we can do?' interjected Palin
  2. From his wheelchair across the way, though, Mr. Wang's father interjected with disdain. 'Tomb-sweeping is about the spirit. If you don't do it yourself in person, there is no spirit.'
  3. Well, he would look a bit of a prat carrying a necklace, interjected Ron.
  4. "Not like that!" he interjected while explaining how to take the machine into pieces.
  5. "That's absolutely ridiculous!" mary interjected, refusing to listen to the rest of his suggestions.
  6. He is coming, interjected Tobias from the sofa.
  7. After a moment's break, Mel interjected.
  8. "No," she interjected." I will be too busy reading!"
  9. "Uh, boss," interjected one of the young lawyers," we have a lot to do and not much time."
  10. "I don't want to get in," the caller interjected." I want to get out. "
  11. The people of China weaved their faith ingeniously in line with the principle of "believing cleverly"," three religion interjected "was only an apparent phenomenon, what had really occupied the leading position was the loosely-scattered religion.