
adj.  可解释的

BNC.38116 / COCA.30754


  1. This allows you to define the relationships in a controlled fashion that you can read, but that is also interpretable by software tools to produce validated and resolved topologies.
  2. The real kicker is that by design, UTF-8 is a much more robust and easily interpretable format than any other text encoding designed before or since.
  3. The statement is interpretable to most people.
  4. Since modern Chinese can be traced back to the same origin as ancient Chinese and be interpretable to it, modern language teaching should be carried out in association with traditional linguistics.
  5. The law is therefore a story that is interpretable.
  6. Use figures and graphs in place of or at least to illustrate words, but make sure they are clearly and consistently labelled, not too complex and easily interpretable.
  7. It showed that both fuzzy ball and fuzzy neighborhood not only had the mathematic properties similar to the traditional ones, but also had the highly interpretable capacity for the fuzzy nature language words'nearby a point'or'about a number '.
  8. Subsequently, the methods of goodness-of-fit test of distribution and model are introduced. It is found from the comparison of PP plot and QQ plot that PP plot is a more interpretable graphical goodness-of-fit test.
  9. The applicable condition of the color infrared aerial photograph, side-looking airborne radar image and different Landsat images were pointed out. The interpretable advantages and deficiency of the different images are analysed.
  10. SNN has deterministic network structure and interpretable network behavior.
  11. A class of fuzzy sets with highly interpretable form and its applications
  12. Linguistic model behaves an Interpretable characteristic, but in many case, it is not accurate to a sufficient degree.
  13. Fuzzy model has been recognized as a powerful tool which can facilitate the effective development of models by combining information from different sources, such as empirical models, the expert knowledge or the system input-output data. And the result model is more interpretable than other black-box methods.
  14. Design of Interpretable and Precise Fuzzy Classification System Based on Fuzzy Clustering and Genetic Algorithm
  15. The goal of data mining is to find the correct, novel, valuable and interpretable pattern from the mass data.
  16. This thesis aimed at above problems puts forward an approach of fuzzy rules automatic extraction according as measure data and propose a RBF net structure, which can be good for description the fuzzy rule interpretable characteristic.
  17. Secondly, An approach to forecast Stock Index by using interpretable fuzzy models is presented in this paper.
  18. Comprehensive Research on Improving Interpretable Ability of Remote Sensing Image and Effects of Application
  19. Base on these concepts, the fuzzy systems are interpretable.
  20. Fuzzy production rule is the mostly used knowledge representation form in the fuzzy reasoning as its explicit expression, strong readability and interpretable ability.
  21. Generation of Interpretable Fuzzy System Based on Evolution Strategy
  22. A Method of Interpretable Modeling Based on Fuzzy Clustering
  23. On Fuzzy Balls with Corresponding Concepts and Highly Interpretable Capacity
  24. The paper makes use of respective characteristics of genetic algorithm and particle swarm algorithm to build a two-stage evolvement strategy for learning accurate fuzzy rule-based classification system for interpretable requirement.
  25. Through edge detection of remote sensing, we could provide size and shape interpretable factors, and prepare for recognition.
  26. The proposition of these two methods provide new ideas to do dimension reduction while still get the interpretable model.
  27. It abandons the descending mechanism, and employs the cooling schedule. In the iteration process, the weighting exponent is automatically adjusted so that the resulting memberships are more interpretable than those derived by traditional fuzzy clustering.
  28. The matching pursuit algorithm and the basis pursuit algorithm do not always efficiently yield representations, which are sparse and physically interpretable.
  29. Non negative matrix factorization algorithm is a kind of high order matrix dimensionality reduction method, has a simple, interpretable advantages, which can keep the NMF algorithm is applied to the matrix dimensionality reduction.



  1. capable of being understood
    1. explainable phenomena

    Synonym:    explainable