
n.  肿大;膨大; 肿块;肿胀物



  1. There are lymph gland inflammation, malignant lymphoma and all kinds of metastatic cancer, which often cause intumescence of shallow lymph gland.
  2. The main fertilizing period was before flower bud differentiation and at alabastrum intumescence stage.
  3. The process of decorticated seeds germination and haustorium formation is as follws: sprouting protuberance ( tapered shape) formation of germ tube ( slightness) germ tube growing widely intumescence in proximal end attenuation in acropetal end.
  4. Based on those experiments, a mathematic model of process of intumescence was established with the neglect of the transfer motion of the bubble.
  5. Result: The gout adhesive plaster can obviously inhibit the intumescence of the big mouse 'feet caused by MSU and carrageen and raise the painful threshold value of the pain caused by the hot plate test and tail-compression test.
  6. Approximate solutions were found for the rate of growth of a bubble in the process of intumescence.
  7. The conidium chains of chsC-mutant are long, and the hypha are not uniformity, intumescence can be seen in some section.
  8. The flame resistance of WPC was studied when intumescence fire-retardant coating was coated on its surface.
  9. Besides, EBL easily caused intumescence of lower site of seedling hypocotyl under high-salt stress.
  10. Because of complexity of physical and mechanical properties, mechanism of intumescence and directional distribution, swelling rocks has been one of the hardest studies in the field of engineering geology and rock mechanics.
  11. LCP is suitable for the fracture of each section, and especially the locking compression plate is more suitable for the near end fracture and the far end intumescence part fracture, or the patient with serious osteoporosis.



  1. the increase in volume of certain substances when they are heated (often accompanied by release of water)

      Synonym:    intumescencyswelling

    1. swelling up with blood or other fluids (as with congestion)

        Synonym:    intumescency