
n.  各向同性(现象); 等轴性



  1. To study the structure of isotropy subgroups is an important problem in geometry of classical groups over finite fields.
  2. A theory model considering the isotropy roughness and static stator angular misalignment of dry gas seal was given.
  3. Isotropy study on psychological experience of living relatives donors of renal transplantation patients
  4. Double wave function quantum theory is applied to describe the motion of three dimension isotropy charged harmonic oscillator in a uniform magnetic field.
  5. Under the condition of small strain, anisotropy is shown; however, the anisotropy degree decreases with the increase of shear strain, and the approximately isotropy is got.
  6. Study on isotropy of physical and mental state of caregivers of would-be discharge patients after accepting gastric cancer operation
  7. Angular momentum conservation is based on the isotropy of space.
  8. Wang, R., and S.Weiner. "Human root dentin: structural anisotropy and Vickers microhardness isotropy." Connect Tissue Res.39,4 ( 1998): 269-79.
  9. As a basic assumption of the large-scale homogeneity and isotropy of space, cosmological Principle is the foundation of modern cosmology.
  10. For the static tubular mixer with tube-arrays, semi-uniform and isotropy turbulent flow takes place using the effect of boundary layer in the arrayed tube, which can achieve rapid mixing.
  11. 3D Analytical Solution for Rotating Disc of Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Materials with Transversely Isotropy
  12. Since the isotropy of such laminates holds only for the elastic properties, but not for the strength behavior, their strength largely depends on the stacking structure. A study on the effect of bone mineral density on the failure load of the lumbar endplate
  13. Analytic Analysis and Optimal Design of Isotropy Performance of Six-dimensional Force Sensor Based on Stewart Platform
  14. Judge flexible workspace using optimizing performance and checking isotropy of flexible workspace's boundary.
  15. The theory of isotropy damage is based on the hypothesis that the material and damage are symmetrical and isotropic.
  16. In this paper, we obtain vector potential and scalar potential of static electric field, static magnetic field and electromagnetic field in the no boundary isotropy linear symmetrical medium directly by utilizing foregone physical knowledge, combining quasi-quantitative physical analysis and adopting appropriate scientific methods.
  17. Based on the three-dimensional elasticity equations for transverse isotropy, two independent state equations are derived by introducing two displacement functions and two stress functions.
  18. A method with generating digital disc point by point is applied to enable isotropy during creating Thiessen polygon.
  19. When cholesteric phase and isotropy phase were coexistent, the solution showed multi-texture behavior with variation of concentration.
  20. We will have Darcy law application to continuity equation to stabilize the normally basic differential equation of the influent fields, for quality isotropy dam body, above-mentioned equation is famous Laplace equation;
  21. In this paper, according to the characteristics of seismic wave in VTI ( Transverse isotropy media with vertical symmetry axis) media, we calculate the travel time of seismic wave in VTI, and synthesize the reflective seismic wave record by using ray trace method.
  22. Deformation and stress analysis of a rotating spherical shell of transverse isotropy
  23. Furthermore, atlases of torque isotropy of sensor and effect on torque isotropy with coordinate system changing are also studied by using space model theory. It is used as theoretic gist for the optimal structure design and application of six-dimensional force sensor.
  24. Hill can be adopted to explain this anomaly, but this yield function assumes planar isotropy.
  25. Scattering of SH-wave by a radial collinear crack at the edge of arbitrary-shape-cavity in isotropy media is studied.
  26. Both splitting of converted shear wave and directionality of fast wave polarization can hardly be modeled by isotropy and horizontal transverse isotropic propagation.
  27. The spatial structures of Cr and Ni were isotropy.
  28. Morphological edge extraction algorithm are better than traditional methods in continuity and isotropy.



  1. (physics) the property of being isotropic

      Synonym:    symmetry