If you don't like it, fair enough, but that's hardly a justification to attack the whole thing 如果你不喜欢,这说得过去,但把它批得一无是处就没什么道理了。
His justification for the merger was just hot air 他提出的合并理由只是空话连篇。
To me the only justification for a zoo is educational 对我来说,动物园存在的唯一正当理由是其教育作用。
I knew from the beginning that there was no justification for what I was doing. 我从一开始就知道我的所作所为毫无道理。
The justification of this chart is entirely spurious. 这张图表的依据完全站不住脚。
We have sound justification for what we do. 人们对自己所做的事都会有辩解的理由。
In justification of his conduct he pleaded that he was merely obeying orders. 他为自己的行为辩解说,他仅是在遵照命令行事。
I can see no justification for dividing the company into smaller units. 我认为没有理由把公司划分成小单位。
He says there is no justification for the request and that the court has rejected it. 他说,无从证明这是个正当的要求,所以法庭予以驳回。
Selected solution, including adequate justification and other relevant details that would help downstream design and implementation. 选定的解决方案,包括足够的论证和其他将对下游设计和实现有帮助的相关详细信息。
Sanctity is logically and morally necessary as evidence of regeneration, faith and justification. 成圣在逻辑上和道德上是必要的,它是重生、信心、和称义的证据。
Martin has ample justification for what he did. 马丁有充分理由说明他所做的是对的。
This dedication to rigor and interest in justification is a recurring characteristic in Russell's work. 这种奉献精神,以严谨和有兴趣的理由是一个反复出现的特点,罗素的工作。
But this surely needs some justification. 但这样的贫富差距肯定需要一些存在的理由。
This is the doctrine of justification by faith. 这就是因信称义的教义。
The FTC proved that the boycott affected price competition and had no reasonable justification. 联邦贸易委员会最终认定这种联合抵制行为影响了价格竞争,而且也没有任何正当的抗辩理由。
Define for the measurement project expected benefits, cost analysis, and justification. 详细说明测量预期收益、成本分析和理由的项目测量方法。
Both justification and sanctification are faith transactions. 赦罪和成圣都是通过信心来改变。
Executive activity moralization should stick to value orientation of justice and justification, honesty and credit. 行政行为道德化要坚持公正和正义,诚实和信誉,惩恶扬善等价值取向。
If you cannot trace it in this way, the software requirement probably does not have a business justification. 如果你这样追踪追不下去,软件需求很可能就没有业务合理性。
THE United States, it is said with some justification, has neglected Latin America. 有人说美国忽视了拉美,这有某种合理性。
The rich world does not even have this feeble justification for agricultural protectionism. 富裕世界的农业保护主义却连这种无力的理由都没有。
In the young there is a justification for this feeling. 在年轻人中有这种感觉是有理由的。
He was getting angry and with some justification. 他生气了&事出有因。
In my paper I shall focus on the question of philosophical justification of universally binding principles for international law. 在本文中,我将集中讨论关于国际法中普遍的约束规范的哲学辩护的可能性问题。
Malcolm Bell explains the legal and moral justification of these claims. 马尔科姆•贝尔阐述了这些主张的法律和道义依据。
Accounting theory provides the rationale or justification for accounting practice. 会计理论为会计实践提供了理论基础或判断标准。
One is the insufficient justification effect, which is so famous it had a cartoon based on it. 其中一个就是理由不足效应,这是一个很著名的理论,有一个卡通就是根据它改编的。
Can you believe or are you convinced that these are justifiable without any justification? 你会相信我在这儿正在和诗在一起么?
In justification, the accused claim that the burglar have attack him with an axe. 作为辩护,被告声称窃贼用斧子袭击了他。