
英 [ˈkiːnɪst] 美 [ˈkinəst]

adj.  渴望; 热切; 热衷于; 热情的; 热心的; 喜爱; (对…)着迷,有兴趣


  1. ADJ-GRADED 渴望的;热切的;热衷的
    If you are keen on doing something, you very much want to do it. If you are keen that something should happen, you very much want it to happen.
    1. You're not keen on going, are you?...
    2. Both companies were keen on a merger...
    3. I'm very keen that the European Union should be as open as possible to trade from Russia...
    4. She's still keen to keep in touch...
    5. I am not keen for her to have a bicycle.
  2. ADJ-GRADED (对…)喜爱的,满怀热情的
    If you are keen on something, you like it a lot and are very enthusiastic about it.
    1. I got quite keen on the idea...
    2. I wasn't too keen on physics and chemistry.
  3. ADJ-GRADED (对某一活动)热情的,热心的
    You use keen to indicate that someone has a lot of enthusiasm for a particular activity and spends a lot of time doing it.
    1. She was a keen amateur photographer.
  4. ADJ-GRADED (人)生性热情的,兴趣广博的
    If you describe someone as keen, you mean that they have an enthusiastic nature and are interested in everything that they do.
    1. He's a very keen student and works very hard...
    2. You're all very keen.
  5. ADJ-GRADED (兴趣或感情)浓厚的,强烈的
    A keen interest or emotion is one that is very intense.
    1. He had retained a keen interest in the progress of the work.
    2. ...his keen sense of loyalty.
  6. ADJ-GRADED (支持)热情的,积极的
    If you are a keen supporter of a cause, movement, or idea, you support it enthusiastically.
    1. He's been a keen supporter of the Labour Party all his life...
    2. He is a keen advocate of park-and-ride schemes.
  7. ADJ-GRADED 思维敏捷的;机灵的;机智的
    If you say that someone has a keen mind, you mean that they are very clever and aware of what is happening around them.
    1. They described him as a man of keen intellect...
    2. Mr Walsh has a keen appreciation of the priorities of the electorate...
    3. I can see you have a keen sense of humour.
  8. ADJ-GRADED (目光或听觉)灵敏的,敏锐的
    If you have a keen eye or ear, you are able to notice things that are difficult to detect.
    1. amateur artist with a keen eye for detail...
    2. Brand's keen ear caught the trace of an accent.
  9. ADJ-GRADED (对某人)倾心的,迷恋的
    If you are keen on someone, you find them sexually attractive and want to get to know them better.
    1. Mick has always been very keen on Carla.
  10. ADJ-GRADED (战斗或竞争)激烈的,紧张的
    A keen fight or competition is one in which the competitors are all trying very hard to win, and it is not easy to predict who will win.
    1. There is expected to be a keen fight in the local elections.
  11. ADJ-GRADED (价格)低廉的,有竞争力的
    Keen prices are low and competitive.
    1. The company negotiates very keen prices with their suppliers.
  12. VERB (为死者)恸哭,哀号
    If someone keens, they cry out or make sounds to express their sorrow at someone's death.
    1. He tossed back his head and keened...
    2. Someone was making a low, keening noise.
  13. PHRASE 对…十分热衷;对…非常热情
    If you say that someone is mad keen on something, you are emphasizing that they are very enthusiastic about it.
    1. So you're not mad keen on science then?...
    2. She was mad keen to go.
    3. ...a mad keen golfer.


  1. Her keenest attention was awakened; she longed to hear more, and was grateful to her uncle for saying, There are very few people of whom so much can be said.
  2. It is one of the odd old laws on the statute book, although rarely enforced by even the keenest police officer.
  3. Women who work at the country's state-owned enterprises are the 'keenest students' of the school, which officially opened its doors in March, says Ms. Ho.
  4. We think of nostalgia as an emotion that grows with age, but, like most emotions, it is keenest when we are young.
  5. So, for me, one of the keenest pleasures of appetite remains in the wanting, not the satisfaction.
  6. Mr Blair's keenest supporters are maximalists.
  7. "Joy," his latest-born, completed the day before and tossed into the corner for lack of stamps, won his keenest approbation.
  8. She could see that Drouet did not have the keenest sensibilities.
  9. Rustproof and tamper-evident, their innards repel the attentions of the keenest amateur mechanic.
  10. Yet the US, which was the keenest on bringing exchange rates into the G20, seems to have become slightly circumspect about mentioning it in public lest it irritate the Chinese.
  11. In a recent Gallup poll, Americans say they are keenest on the computer industry, with the restaurant business and hard-working farmers not far behind.
  12. You might think you're smart, but none of your senses rival the keenest abilities in the animal world.
  13. God could cause us the keenest embarrassment if He were to reveal to us all the secrets of nature.
  14. He observed that it was a gray eye and remembered having read that gray eyes were keenest, and that all famous marksmen had them.
  15. He heard me with the keenest interest, and when I had done he patted me on the head.
  16. His audacity comes from having seen the worst happen, from having endured the keenest pain.
  17. I tell you he's one of the keenest intellects in the country.
  18. Will this satisfy the lobbies with the keenest interest?
  19. The Tories keenest on elected police commissioners are also those who yearn for more authoritarian policing ( and who think that the public agrees with them).
  20. But Mr blinder seemed unaware of the fact that outsourcing via the Internet was the mode of service transactions that the US lobbies were keenest about in the Uruguay round of trade negotiations: they saw that they would be the big winners, as no doubt they are.
  21. Even the United States, which along with Germany is the keenest enforcer of the bribery accord, has had to undergo scrutiny at the hands of its peers and listen meekly to ideas for better enforcement.
  22. Santa Claus brings in the keenest competition holiday for western countries, but it is also the most profitable.
  23. However, Lafayette was venerated, but also suffered the human to revile in his own motherland, and ultimately withdrawed from the keenest struggle of the Revolution.