The reaction mechanism actually related to nucleation velocity and growth rate of the grains, and it followed LaMer model and crystal distributions and control principle during the crystal formation. 温度对沉淀粒子形成的影响机理实际上要归结于温度对成核速率及生长速率的影响,此过程遵循LaMer模型及结晶过程的粒度分布和控制原理。
The lamer specialized cooperatives disadvantaged groups of farmers to organize themselves into the market, combining the advantages of family-run co-operative, effective way to solve the small-scale farmers and large market contradictions, and new ways of solving the three problems. 农民专业合作社是弱势农民群体组织起来闯市场、把家庭经营和合作经营的优势结合起来、解决小农户与大市场矛盾的有效方式,是解决三农问题的新途径。