
英 [ˈlævɪʃɪŋ] 美 [ˈlævɪʃɪŋ]

v.  滥花; 乱给; 浪费


  1. ADJ-GRADED 铺张的;奢侈的;盛大的
    If you describe something as lavish, you mean that it is very elaborate and impressive and a lot of money has been spent on it.
    1. ...a lavish party to celebrate Bryan's fiftieth birthday...
    2. He staged the most lavish productions of Mozart...
    3. The sets and costumes are lavish.
  2. ADJ-GRADED (花费)挥霍的;(赞美等)慷慨给予的;(行为)毫无节制的
    If you say that spending, praise, or the use of something is lavish, you mean that someone spends a lot or that something is praised or used a lot.
    1. Critics attack his lavish spending and flamboyant style...
    2. The book drew lavish praise from literary critics.
  3. ADJ-GRADED (人)过分慷慨的,挥霍的
    If you say that someone is lavish in the way they behave, you mean that they give, spend, or use a lot of something.
    1. American reviewers are lavish in their praise of this book...
    2. He was always a lavish spender.
  4. VERB 滥花;浪费;非常(或过分)慷慨地给予
    If you lavish money, affection, or praise on someone or something, you spend a lot of money on them or give them a lot of affection or praise.
    1. Prince Sadruddin lavished praise on Britain's contributions to world diplomacy...
    2. The emperor promoted the general and lavished him with gifts.


  1. Meanwhile the company has to reestablish itself as a technology leader after lavishing more than a billion dollars on the failed Chevrolet Volt.
  2. Politicians, including Prime Minister Gordon Brown and the Conservative leader, David Cameron, leapt all over one another in lavishing praise on Prince Harry, 23.
  3. According to the Smithsonian Magazine, makeup finally got more user-friendly, and ladies began lavishing themselves as a reaction against the more square Victorian era/ Gibson Girl look.
  4. The 30-year-old career criminal has become an object of lust for women the world over who took to Facebook and Twitter lavishing praise on his high cheekbones, full lips and piercing blue eyes.
  5. Lavishing capital in places where tough competitors all want a piece could be a loser.
  6. When you do so, children recognize that they are worth lavishing with time, praise, and attention.
  7. A doting mother alienates her husband by lavishing too much love on their child.
  8. You're lavishing all sorts of praise on him, but you don't act very concerned.
  9. This was the gift that Timothy knew his parents had been lavishing on him all along.
  10. Gupta told Goldman in March he wouldn't be standing for re-election, did Goldman chief executive Lloyd Blankfein issue a public statement lavishing praise for his service?
  11. But what if you're not good at lavishing someone with praise? How do you learn?
  12. If an autobiography is only about the author's merits and does n't speak of his mistakes, he is simply lavishing praise on himself. what's the point of that?
  13. China has been lavishing money and attention on the resource-rich region.
  14. He thought he would win her by lavishing her with expensive gifts.
  15. The politicians dithered, scared of lavishing taxpayers 'money on such an unpopular cause. Only when the financial system was close to implosion did they come up with a response, an across-the-board injection of public money into the major city banks.
  16. If you offer a path of entrepreneurship you were lavishing these talents and I guarantee you you'll go on doing amazing things.
  17. Instead it is simply concerned with preventing a catastrophic collapse-lavishing North Korea with aid, goods and even cash without conditions, in order to keep its neighbour afloat.
  18. Mature and master theorization is in general implied, organic, and relying on the classical approach, rather than explicit, dogmatic, and lavishing on the scientific one. The scientists have great hopes for rice-based vaccines as a way to protect large populations against mucosal infections.
  19. And let me just say the reason we're in some sense lavishing so much attention on this topic is because, after all, there's just an enormous amount of chemistry that happens in liquid mixtures.
  20. Rice hull, as a byproduct of agricultural production, is often used as fuel or disposed as trash in rural areas that not only pollutes the environment but also causes lavishing.