Instead, I will concentrate on the layouts, which differ from their AWT and Swing counterparts. 相反,我将把注意力放在布局上,它不同于AWT和Swing中的布局。
Shoes provides two containers to assemble layouts: the stack and the flow. Shoes提供两个容器来装配布局:stack和flow。
Layering, layouts, backtracking, and styling are all trivial in Seaside. 分层、布局、回溯和样式在Seaside中是家常便饭。
Modern Web design is using the float property more and more to obtain page layouts previously done using tables. 现代的Web设计开始越来越多地使用浮动属性来获得之前使用表实现的页面布局。
It provides a number of predefined page layouts suitable for most Web applications. 它提供了许多预定定义的、适用于大多数Web应用程序的页面布局。
Choose from any one of the predefined layouts, and click Apply the selected graph layout configuration. 从预定义的布局中进行选择,并点击应用选择的图布局配置。
Using the skins, themes, and screens the designer can organize different kinds of navigation rendering layouts. 设计人员可以通过使用皮肤、主题和屏幕组织不同类型的导航呈现布局。
The palette is rendered using many of the standard figures and layouts from Draw2D. 该调色板是使用Draw2D中的许多标准图形和布局呈现的。
You can declare multiple layouts for a container, so as to combine both vertical and horizontal spacing. 对于一个容器,可以声明多个布局,以便组合水平和垂直方向的间距。
Use the first icon in the toolbar in the upper-right corner to toggle between tree and simple layouts. 使用右上角的工具栏的第一个按钮可以在树型布局和简单布局之间切换。
Using various techniques, such as paper prototypes, we tested page layouts and user interaction. 通过使用纸上原型等技术,我们测试了页面布局和用户交互。
Both of these approaches presume the creation of panels, forms, and layouts using hand-crafted code. 这些方法都假设面板、窗体和布局是用手工代码创建的。
The layout will be included in the list of layouts for this object. 这个布局将包含在这个对象布局列表中。
I can create an original database-defining fields and creating layouts. 我能创建原始的数据库,包括定义段和设计报表。
Multiple menu layouts and display manners may be provided according to the actual application requirement. 可根据实际应用需求,提供多种菜单布局和展示方式。
Other important examples of computer-aided-design databases are integrated-circuit and electronic-device layouts. 另一个计算机辅助设计数据库的重要例子是整合电路和电子设备设计图。
Shows how to create sophisticated layouts for your controls and forms. 演示如何为控件和窗体创建复杂的布局。
You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. 你也可以在“单词云”中使用不同字体、布局和颜色方案等。
If you have time I want to see layouts you can made using photoshop brushes. 如果你有时间,我想看到你可以使用Photoshop笔刷了布局。
In these layouts, grids are often used to guarantee a structural balance, hierarchy and order. 在这些布局里,栅格常被用来保证结构平衡、层级和次序。
He will be concerned also with the zoning and layouts of factories and municipal housing. 他将经营工厂和公用住宅群的分区规划和布局。
A editor who is responsible for illustrations and layouts in printed matter. 一个负责出版物插图和版面设计的编者。
Table layouts are great for grid designs. 表格布局对格子设计者来说是重要的。
Converts documents to and from text format, supports structured layouts. 在文档和文本格式之间进行转换,支持结构化的布局。
Multiple columns are used in magazine layouts and portfolios. 多栏常被用在杂志布局和大项目中。
Project sites are inventoried, analyzed and summarized to develop schematic layouts and preliminary sketches. 项目所在地的登记造册,分析和总结,开发原理图布局和草图。
The layouts have only indicated a work counter with sink and a typical hot water boiler. 布局,只表示一个水槽和一个典型的热水锅炉的工作柜台。
Rational farmland layouts and controlled partition are a key means to maintain the scientificity and practicability of planning. 合理的用地布局和管制分区是保持规划科学性和实用性的重要手段。
Using common layouts or patterns for controls. 控制装置使用常见的布局或模式。
The navigation of such layouts is supported by sliding and scrolling effects from common JavaScript libraries. 这种布局中导航滑动和滚动的效果,由公共JavaScript库来支持。