
英 [ˈlɛghɔːn] 美 [ˈlɛghɔrn]

网络  意大利; 里窝那; 莱戈恩; 来航; 来亨




  1. The master was to get all this out of Leghorn free of duties, and land it on the shores of Corsica, where certain speculators undertook to forward the cargo to France.
  2. He had scarcely been a week at Leghorn before the hold of his vessel was filled with printed muslins, contraband cottons, English powder, and tobacco on which the excise had forgotten to put its mark.
  3. ( And if not OK, then at least comic.) Remember the cartoon rooster Foghorn Leghorn?
  4. Yunnan style chicken soup An Experimental Study of Photodynamic Effect of Hypocrelline B Liposome on Leghorn Cock Comb
  5. We had been to Lucca to take in oil, to Leghorn for English cottons, and we ran our cargo without opposition, and returned home full of joy.
  6. On another occasion during manoeuvres at Leghorn in1804 a French soldier fired his ramrod, which accidentally killed a civilian spectator.
  7. I will pay twenty-five piastres for my passage back to Leghorn.
  8. Proper Allowance of Calcium and Phosphorus for White Leghorn Layers
  9. The report notes that breeds such as high-yielding Holstein-Friesian cows and White Leghorn chickens have been used in preference of rare breeds.
  10. Month to month variation in egg yolk cholesterol in White Leghorn during their second year of production
  11. Arrived at Leghorn, he repaired to the house of a Jew, a dealer in precious stones, to whom he disposed of four of his smallest diamonds for five thousand francs each.
  12. He went on board and the ship sailed for Leghorn.
  13. A pair of primers were synthesized, and related RT-PCR assay was established to detect the western equine encephalitis virus ( WEEV) in experimentally infected mosquitoes and Leghorn chicken.
  14. In this state of mutual understanding, they reached Leghorn.
  15. As he had twenty times touched at Leghorn, he remembered a barber in St.
  16. The Leghorn barber said nothing and went to work.
  17. A city of north-central Italy near the Ligurian Sea north of Leghorn.
  18. But that on his arrival at Leghorn he had come into possession of a large fortune, left him by an uncle, whose sole heir he was.
  19. The effect of dietary calcium and phosphorus levels on egg production and egg shell quality of Beijing White Leghorn layer
  20. 60-week-old white Leghorn Laying hens were used to study the effect of feeding oils rich in fatty acid different in number and position of double bond to laying hens on the lipid content and fatty acid composition of egg yolk.
  21. The deduced amino acid sequences were compared with strains Kestrel, Obese and SC Leghorn chickens from GenBank.
  22. The effects of calcium phosphorus levels on egg shell quality were experimented in white Leghorn type shaver-288 laying hen 147-300 days of age for three years.
  23. The effect of removal of external Ca 2+ on phosphoinositide hydrolysis was investigated in cultured myotubes from 9 day old Leghorn embryonic chicken.
  24. Four week old White Leghorn male chicks were used to study the effect of dietary fatty acids with different number and position of double bond on the content and fatty acid composition of lipids in the liver and serum of growing chicks.
  25. Two kinds of typical poultry& leghorn and duck were selected to study the relationship between feather structure, surface lipids and wettability by means of scanning electron microscopy, computer photograph analysis system and contact angle measurement.
  26. The eggs of Leghorn were irradiated with different dosage of laser before incubation.
  27. Effect of Ambient Temperatures on Some Plasma Components and Enzymes Activity of Leghorn Breeder cocks
  28. The results showed that the nearest genetic relationships between Leghorn originated in Italy and Ross Brown with English origin.
  29. Nine groups of 20 White Leghorn SPF chickens were housed in isolators under negative pressure.



  1. a stiff hat made of straw with a flat crown

      Synonym:    boaterPanamaPanama hatsailorskimmerstraw hat