The provision of standard forms of various copyright licencing contracts shall be the responsibility of the national copyright administration. 国家版权局负责提供各类著作权许可使用合同的标准样式。
That leaves trade: expanding markets by removing tariffs and more importantly non-tariff barriers, such as licencing requirements and anti-dumping measures. 如今只剩下贸易了,也就是通过取消关税(更重要的是取消许可证制和反倾销措施等非关税壁垒)来扩大市场。
China's export licencing system was administered in accordance with the "Interim Procedures for the Export Licencing System". 中国的出口许可制度按照《出口许可制度暂行办法》管理。
Following an aborted attempt to set up a manufacturing and sales licencing deal with Brilliance China Automotive in 2002, manganese bronze turned to Geely in 2006. 2002年与华晨中国(brilliancechinaautomotive)达成制造和销售许可协议的努力失败后,锰铜控股于2006年转而接洽吉利。
Cause trending analysis for licencing operational events in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station 大亚湾核电站执照运行事件原因趋势分析