This may be the chance of a life-time. 这机会可谓是千载难逢。
Moreover, the time or execution phase, when in the life-time of an activity the problem occurs, determines what repairing actions can be performed. 而且,当问题发生在某个活动的生命周期内时,时间或执行阶段用于确定可以执行哪些修复操作。
Throughout his life-time in Penang he had worked very hard to advance not only his personal livelihood but also the quality of life for all Malaysian citizens, who have made Penang their home. 火炎一生努力奋斗,不仅是为了改善自己的生活,同时也要提升马来西亚人的生活素质,尤其是落户在槟城一带的居民!
All the passionate emotion from the behavior of people render a beautiful life, so we prefer to enjoy a positive life-time! 所有出自情感的行为,渲染着美丽的生活,所以我们情愿的积极的享受着生命的时光!
Our trip to Victoria Falls was the holiday of a life-time. 我们去维多利亚瀑布的旅行是一次极不寻常的度假。
Bayesian Lower Limit of Life-time Reliability for Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine 液体火箭发动机寿命可靠性的贝叶斯下限
I has the features of impact structure small volume long life-time strong on-and-off ability and simple operation and maintain. 本产品结构紧凑、体积小、寿命长、关合开断能力强、操作维护简便。
Research of Customer Life-Time Value Promotion Based on System Dynamics 基于系统动力学的客户终生价值的提升研究
Someone spends half of his life-time savings on a seaside holiday overseas and ends up coming back disappointed; and there are people who can row their boats happily in a flood devastated area and really having good fun. 有人花费半生积蓄往外国的海滩度假,结果却败兴而返;有些人却可以在水灾灾区中划艇作乐,玩个不亦乐乎。
It is so rewarding to see an interest in life-time reading has successfully seeded in a young mind through our efforts. 而我们看到通过我们的努力,一棵喜爱读书的种子已经在一个幼小的心灵中生根发芽了。
In the data acquisition systems, the power-off protection and life-time dilatation of EEPROM are two important tasks. 在存储式数据采集系统中,数据指针的断电保护和延长EEPROM的寿命是两个重要的工作。
This paper, basing on the research on his family trait, life-time, poetic theory and poetry writing, will define his historic position from a new angle. 本文通过对祁寯藻家世生平的研究考证,诗歌理论以及诗歌创作的研究,希望可以对其有新的定位。
Everyone has many reasons to treat themselves to life-time cemented long time that a permanent Hong heart. 每个人都有许多理由善待自己,把一生的光阴凝成时光长河中那一瓣恒久的心香。
Doping at the Olympic Games will result in a life-time ban for Chinese athletes, the General Administration of Sports said. 国家体育总局已宣布,如果中国运动员在奥运会上被发现违反兴奋剂规则,将被终身禁赛。
The novel-time is formed of four-elements of life-time narrate-time story-time, read-time. 小说时间由生活时间、事时间、故事时间和阅读时间四元素构成。
Of course, a life-time of responsibility isn't always easy, and as the years go on, it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear, but still we try to do what is best, what is good. 当然,要一辈子负责任并不容易。时光流逝,它成了某些人不堪承受的负担,但是,我们仍然试图做到最好,最棒。
The quality of charge circuit strongly related to the life-time and the effectiveness of iron battery, it also related to the safety of battery. 锂电池充电电路的好坏不但关系着锂电池的寿命和使用效率,而且还关系着锂电池的安全问题。
You'll think well before you take any decisions but you will also realize that this could be a life-time shot that you need to take. 但做每个决定之前仔细思考,同时你也要知道,这可能是一次生命里转瞬即逝的良机。
Throughout his life-time, he persisted in developing his own personality and at the same time he also constantly nurtured a strong sense of social commitment to make Penang a better place to live in. 拿督斯里的一生,着重于塑造自己的人格修养。同时,他也对自己灌输了一股强烈的社会感,好让槟城成为一个更美好的家园。
A test for prediction of MCP life-time is described and it is pointed that the life-time curve of MCP depends on negative exponent distribution. 叙述预测微通道板工作寿命试验过程,指出微通道板工作寿命曲线服从负指数分布。
The system of life-time professor is the echo to the social criticism and market economy. 终身职后评审是终身教授制对社会批评和市场经济的回应。
Results The point prevalence for schizophrenia was 4.39 ‰; and life-time prevalence was 7.37 ‰. 结果精神分裂症时点患病率为4.39‰,终生患病率为7.37‰。
A control and data acquisition electronics system for measurements of excitation spectra and level life-time 用于光谱和能级寿命测量的控制及数据获取电子学系统
Considering the energy consumption asymmetric of node, we set threshold energy to balance the energy consumption and prolong the life-time of network. 考虑到网络中节点能量消耗不均,设置了能量门限值,均衡网络能量消耗,有效地延长了网络的生命周期。
The short life-time component is related to the e(π) band of the crystal. τ1的成份和晶体中e(π)能带有关。
The measurement of muon life-time is very significant in experimental method. μ子寿命的测量也是一个有着重要意义的实验。
In this method some new ideas in grid resource load balance, fault tolerance, life-time management is illustrated. 在实现网格资源负载平衡、容错、生命周期管理方面作了一些有意义的尝试。
However, the high cost and short life-time restrict its commercialization. 然而高成本和低寿命制约了其商业化。