
英 [ˈlaɪfspænz] 美 [ˈlaɪfˌspænz]

n.  寿命; 可持续年限; 有效期


  1. N-VAR (人、动植物的)寿命,预期生命期限
    The lifespan of a person, animal, or plant is the period of time for which they live or are normally expected to live.
    1. A 15-year lifespan is not uncommon for a dog...
    2. They have extended the potential life span of humanity everywhere.
  2. N-COUNT (产品等的)预期使用期限;(组织、想法等的)预期存在期限
    The lifespan of a product, organization, or idea is the period of time for which it is expected to work properly or to last.
    1. Most boilers have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years.


  1. Their lifespans overlapped by six years.
  2. Pollution in China is a human tragedy on a vast scale: it has been estimated that in some northern Chinese cities, lifespans have already been shortened by several years.
  3. Healthier eating, longer lifespans and higher disposable incomes have helped to hold back the years.
  4. Experts from Bristol University found longer legs equal longer lifespans after examining skeletons.
  5. Waters prefers a physiological explanation for small dogs'longer lifespans.
  6. Meanwhile, hospitals may be biased toward shorter lifespans, because they tend to admit the toughest cases, not healthy dogs.'It's not good data, but it gets you in the ballpark,'says Prof.
  7. Other objects may have longer lifespans: for instance, they may live through an HTTP session or even the entire application.
  8. Researchers found significant differences in both particle pollution of the air and life expectancy in the two regions, and said the results could be used to extrapolate the effects of such pollution on lifespans elsewhere in the world.
  9. The previous two continuing resolutions, which had lifespans of two and three weeks respectively, were intended to allow the two sides enough time to hammer out a compromise for the rest of the year.
  10. Researchers found "clear and compelling evidence" that happiness paves the way to better health and longer lifespans.
  11. The researchers found clear and compelling evidence that happiness is key when it comes to better health and longer lifespans.
  12. Achieving these extended lifespans costs money. Not necessarily much, because healthy lifestyle is a more important contributor to longevity than medical treatment.
  13. Earlier this month, a study in mainland China found that poor air quality cut lifespans by more than five years.
  14. Their lifespans are usually shortened by systemic infection, and while bone marrow transplants can be used to treat the disease, they are not always successful.
  15. The data tell an important story: as lifespans expand and retirement benefits shrink, growing numbers are entering, or refusing to leave, workplaces gradually changing their perception of the ideal worker.
  16. It highlights how institutions such as the ECB have not been able to escape the pressures created by longer lifespans and poor financial market returns.
  17. Nonetheless, it is possible that getting more vitamin D from foods ( like fortified milk and oily fish) or supplements will help maintain youth and vitality as we enjoy longer lifespans.
  18. Not only were there many more active workers relative to pensioners, but average lifespans were considerably shorter than now.
  19. Thus, all elves are now mortal and have comparable lifespans that can extend as long as several thousand years.
  20. Because of various using conditions, the same kind of heat conduction oil may have quite different lifespans.
  21. The lifespans of these enterprises in the crack are usually relatively short, but because of the need of the government, the new company replaces replaced the old company withers away or ceases to exist except in name.
  22. TESTING Experimental Research on the Lifespans of Dry Cutting Tool