We will be analysing all the things she has told us in the hope that we can locate the person responsible. 我们将分析她告诉我们的所有事情,希望能找出罪魁祸首。
There have been many attempts, both light-hearted and serious, to locate the Loch Ness Monster. 有很多人或随意或认真地尝试过,想要找到尼斯湖水怪。
The scientists want to locate the position of the gene on a chromosome 科学家们希望找出该基因在染色体中的位置。
We've simply been unable to locate him. 我们就是没办法找到他。
Atlanta was voted the best city in which to locate a business by more than 400 chief executives 逾400名行政总裁投票推选亚特兰大为最适宜开办公司的城市。
Tudor Court represents your opportunity to locate at the heart of the new Birmingham. 都铎宛,您在新伯明翰中心区置业的好机会。
It is difficult to locate a tree typical of a pure species in the arboretum and park collections of the United States and europe. 当你在美国和欧洲的树木园或公园采集时,很难找到一株典型的纯种树。
This is enough to locate a service's request and reply channels and start invoking the service. 对于查找服务的请求与应答通道和开始调用服务,这足够了。
Another step in setting up any Java library on your system is to locate and link to the documentation. 在系统中设置Java库的另一个步骤是定位和链接到文档。
Locate and install depended-upon software. 定位和安装依赖软件。
Knowing this structure will help you locate important files and directories. 了解这个结构有利于您定位重要文件和目录。
Locate objects of interest in this file, and copy the objects. 在本文件中定位感兴趣的对象,并复制对象。
Our SCA runtime now has all the information it needs to locate the service and call a method. 我们的SCA运行时现在具有了查找服务和调用方法所需的所有信息。
Expand the project and module nodes in the navigator view, and locate the WebContent folder. 在navigator视图中展开项目和模块节点,并找到WebContent文件夹。
Of course, in this example, you can simply use the find() method to locate the button. 当然,在本例中,您可以简单使用find()方法来定位按钮。
But you must make a few changes in the setup() method to locate and instantiate the EJB object. 但是您必须在set()方法中稍做变动,来对EJB对象进行定位和实例化。
You can locate it in any project or folder. 可以将它放置在任何项目或文件夹中。
Extends capabilities to automatically locate all databases, in both production and test environments, for monitoring and protection. 扩展生产和测试环境中的数据库自动定位功能,以便进行监控和保护。
In this way, you locate the file. 通过这种方式,您对该文件进行了定位。
Tooling can then be used on the managing server to locate and analyze the slower transactions. 然后可以在管理服务器上使用工具定位和分析较慢的事务。
In the Assets tool, you can locate directories, files, and attachments using the Explorer view. 在Assets工具中,您可以使用Explorer视图定位目录、文件和附件。
You can locate this file in your project directory structure. 您可以在项目目录结构中找到此文件。
Designed to both locate and clamp material. 同时设计定位和夹紧材料。
In the file system, locate the package that you want to use as template. 在文件系统中,找到要用作模板的包。
This control provides a file dialog box that allows users to browse and locate the description file to import. 此控件提供了一个文件对话框,允许用户浏览和查找要导入的说明文件。
Locate the files or folders to add to your project from this list. 从该列表中定位要添加到项目的文件或文件夹。
Locate the folder you want from this list. 从此列表中找到所需文件夹。
When horizontal and vertical cutting may locate safely. 在水平和竖直切削时可安全定位。
They tested his ability to locate objects in space. 他们测试了他的空间定位能力。