猛冲;猛扑 to make a sudden powerful forward movement, especially in order to attack sb or take hold of sth
猛冲;猛扑 a sudden powerful forward movement of the body and arm that a person makes towards another person or thing, especially when attacking or trying to take hold of them
He made a lunge for the phone. 他向电话扑了过去。
弓箭步刺;戳 a thrust made by putting one foot forward and making the back leg straight
He lunged at me, grabbing me violently 他向我扑过来,使劲把我抓住。
I lunged forward to try to hit him. 我猛冲向前要打他。
The lunge had thrown him off-balance and he spun, trying to regain his centre of gravity. 向前的这一猛扑让他站立不住,他急忙一个转身想稳住重心。
Then, in the blink of an eye, it'll lunge at prey, pulling it under water to drown and dismember. 之后,眨眼间,它便扑向了猎物。咸水鳄会把猎物拖到水中,将其淹死并肢解掉。
With a dramatic, triumphant lunge, he hurls himself back into the carriage – cheered and applauded by the same passengers who had watched him depart. 只见他故作夸张、得意洋洋的一个箭步,赶在地铁关门之前跳进了车厢里。见证他离开又回来的车厢乘客们立刻为他欢呼鼓掌。
As a result, they sometimes lunge at outlandish ideas. Right now, the more opulent, the better. 因此,他们有时会有一些非常奇特的想法。
In the summer, Ms. Sage cheers the two as they skip, lunge, march and jog up the hill to their home. 夏天,当林恩夫妻二人跳跃着、做着弓步、快步行进和慢跑着上山回家时,赛奇会给他们加油鼓劲,为他们欢呼。
The lunge, the fleche and the thrust are the main attacking skills. 弓步冲刺,跨步冲刺和跃起冲刺是主要进攻技术。
Frequently used techniques are twisting hand, pressing palm, rebounding fist, snatch, moving in forward lunge, horse stance, and crouching step. 常见的动作有:缠手,压掌,崩拳,抢手,弓步,马步,蹲步。
Half Happy Baby ( like an upside down low lunge) holding one foot at a time; 半快乐婴儿式(像倒转过来的冲刺式)一次抬起一条腿;
For those who are ready to increase the difficulty of the exercises but not quite prepared for the previous exercise, I suggest trying the reverse lunge into a high kick. 对于那些愿意增加锻炼难度,但还没有完全准备好前面练习的人,我建议试试高踢。
In China, for example, he sees the frantic lunge for material advancement as more than a mere attempt to emulate the west. 例如,在中国,他将疯狂的寻求物质发展视为不仅仅是一种效仿西方的企图。
A lunge or thrustin fencing. 冲刺击剑中的一戳或一刺。
Yolanda has been celebrating her victory, but Claudina, as proof of her evil nature, is about to lunge at her from behind. “约兰达”已经在庆祝她的胜利了,但是“科洛迪娜”,好像要证明她邪恶的本性,正准备从背后偷袭她。
He seemed to be catching on nothing: propping his boot on a pimple, gripping a "smear" or a hairline crack, freeing both arms from the rock to make a lunge. 他似乎并没有什么可靠的支撑点:踩的地方只是一个小突起;抓的地方只是一块粗糙平面或是一条狭细的裂缝;身子向前猛扑时,双手会脱离岩壁在空中。
He made a lunge at the bully. 他向打手猛扑过去。
A police officer was injured when the man he was arresting made a lunge at him. 一名警察突然被他所要逮捕的人袭击致伤。
He walked at the other's heels with a swing to his shoulders, and his legs spread unwittingly, as if the level floors were tilting up and sinking down to the heave and lunge of the sea. 他跟在那人的后面走,双肩一摇一摆的,两条腿不知不觉地张开着,好像这平坦的地板正随着海浪的起伏和涌动忽儿上升,忽儿下沉似的。
Sometimes players lunge and hit too far in front or to the side of their bodies; 有时选手在向网前作趋进截击时球要么在身体前方偏远的位置要么在你身体一侧偏远的位置;
A desperate lunge and I held on to a metal grid at the front of a hardware shop as dislodged metal sheets, iron poles, cars and bodies swirled past. 绝望中,我抓住一家五金店前的铁栅栏,水流冲着铁板、铁柱子、汽车和尸体从我身旁翻转而过。
Even so, when I'd screamed out in terror at the werewolf's lunge, it wasn't fear for the wolf that brought the cry of "no" to my lips. 虽然如此,当我因为狼人的进攻而惊恐地尖叫出声的时候,我也不是因为害怕狼而从嘴里喊出了“不”。
Characters lunge through the shots, running this way and that without catching breath, and Jiang's camera follows them without pausing for the sort of stately scene-setting that audiences may expect. 人物闯入并穿过镜头,没有方向感的奔跑,姜文的摄影机也不停歇的尾随,以创造出一种符合观众期待的优雅的韵律。
For instance, we as "good Lunge" pizza shop in a small fold-out color used that group is found in vegetables and fruits Lane. 比如我们为“好伦哥”比萨饼店做的小折页里所使用那一组颜色,就是从蔬菜和水果里找到的。
He dropped them, growled, and prepared to lunge at me again. 他丢掉鞋子,怒吼着,准备再一次向我发出攻击。
Whenever someone approached me with intent, I would look panic-stricken and take a step backwards to discourage a lunge. 每当有人带着某种意图向我靠近时,我就表现出惊慌失措的样子,然后后退一步,让他/她丧失进一步动作的勇气。
A face-saving, halfhearted lunge would follow. 随之,就是一阵为省面子的、半心半意的突进动作。
We sought to parry the charateristic Soviet lunge with fancy footwork. 我们以花式步法力图避开典型的苏联冲刺。