
英 [ˈmægnɪtjuːdz] 美 [ˈmægnəˌtudz]

n.  巨大; 重大; 重要性; 星等; 星的亮度; 震级



  1. N-UNCOUNT 巨大;庞大;重要(性)
    If you talk about the magnitude of something, you are talking about its great size, scale, or importance.
    1. An operation of this magnitude is going to be difficult...
    2. These are issues of great magnitude...
    3. No one seems to realise the magnitude of this problem.
  2. N-VAR 星等(指星的亮度);震级;(爆炸的)强度
    Magnitude is used in stating the size or extent of something such as a star, earthquake, or explosion.
    1. ...the 1.2 magnitude star Fomalhaut...
      星等为1.2 的北落师门星
    2. The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 had a magnitude of 8.3.
  3. PHRASE 程度;重要性
    You can use order of magnitude when you are giving an approximate idea of the amount or importance of something.
    1. America and Russia do not face a problem of the same order of magnitude as Japan.
  4. PHRASE 数量级
    In mathematics, if one amount is an order of magnitude larger than another, it is ten times larger than the other. If it is two orders of magnitude larger, it is a hundred times larger.
    1. The time delay would be smaller by eight orders of magnitude.


  1. That is, the regression line would tend to overestimate the magnitudes of Y.
  2. In this section I present some work products that, while not specific to method development, have proven useful in supporting many method development efforts of various magnitudes.
  3. Earlier this month, two earthquakes with magnitudes above six rocked Turkey and the island of Taiwan.
  4. True, it has increased its resources ( by at least$ 430bn) but the magnitudes would be insufficient if Spain and Italy were to plunge into crisis.
  5. The magnitude of the force initially depends on the relative movement between the superstructure and the abutment, and force magnitudes can become quite large before slip will occur.
  6. The MMS is now the scale used to estimate magnitudes for all modern large earthquakes by the United States Geological Survey.
  7. Expression of physical and subjective magnitudes of sound and noise in air
  8. Not all geometrical magnitudes of the same kind are commensurable with one another.
  9. We are always able to know the third one when we know the magnitudes of the other two.
  10. Influence of initial coolant conditions, such as magnitudes and directions of coolant velocity, on the film hole entrance was investigated numerically.
  11. Transmission of measured magnitudes by radio or telephony, with suitably coded modulation?( e.g.,? amplitude, frequency, phase, pulse) over a distance.
  12. The small-disturbance model is actually valid for disturbance magnitudes that seem quite violent to human occupants.
  13. The magnitudes of the stresses are moderate values.
  14. Thirdly, within the range of parameters, changes in suction ratios do not significantly affect the magnitudes of average heat transfer coefficients and heat transfer enhancement.
  15. RCS contributions from these sources are negligible for the principal lobe magnitudes studied.
  16. Planck's constant controls the magnitudes involved in both cases.
  17. The following table gives intensities that are typically observed at locations near the epicenter of earthquakes of different magnitudes.
  18. The magnitudes of the rectangular components of a vector are easily computed.
  19. In that case, the different assigned magnitudes are a result of the slight differences in the instruments and their locations with respect to the earthquake epicenter.
  20. The magnitudes of the maximum and the intermediate principal stress are high; and both of them are very close.
  21. Finally, effected of magnitudes of impact forces and testing resistances on the transient characteristics are discussed according to the experimental results.
  22. The differences in cell structure and magnitudes of cell layers between adaxial and abaxial sides may be the structural fundamentals of style curvature.
  23. Data type provides the greatest and smallest possible magnitudes for a number.
  24. Finally, the well-known weaknesses of self-reporting represent a limitation of the data, particularly with respect to the accuracy of estimates such as the magnitudes of average bonuses.
  25. This procedure allows us to keep track of the magnitudes of the terms that occur.
  26. We find that the inflow of migrants has statistically significant and negative impacts on both employment and wages of local workers, but the magnitudes are small.
  27. When you do an MRI, it's not like a CT scan, its magnitudes more complicated& which scan sequences you use, when and how you adjust scanning parameters, etc.
  28. Even though they occur randomly in time, earthquake of similar sizes ( eg, approximately the same magnitudes) are expected to follow a trend in time and happen at relatively the same time intervals.
  29. Line reactors almost always can reduce line-switching surge magnitudes.