
英 [ˌmælˈfʌŋkʃnd] 美 [ˌmælˈfʌŋkʃnd]

v.  运转失常; 失灵; 出现故障


  1. VERB (机器)失灵,出故障;(人体器官)机能失常,出现功能障碍
    If a machine or part of the body malfunctions, it fails to work properly.
    1. The radiation can damage microprocessors and computer memories, causing them to malfunction...
    2. Early physicians removed the malfunctioning organs.
    3. Malfunction is also a noun.
    4. There must have been a computer malfunction.


  1. Pilots complained that the radars in the Mirages malfunctioned during conditions of high humidity
  2. The Wall Street money-making machine looks to have malfunctioned badly in the last quarter as nervous companies and investors stayed out of the capital markets.
  3. Then the motor of their truck malfunctioned.
  4. Would an aeronautical engineer merely shrug his shoulders if a control panel malfunctioned in mid-flight?
  5. Air France spokesman said several of the plane` s mechanisms had malfunctioned.
  6. Computer algorithms malfunctioned, selling rather than holding back as the price fell.
  7. The data were collected before the Kepler telescope malfunctioned last year, leaving it unable to track stars precisely enough to continue the planet-hunting mission for which it was launched in 2009.
  8. R2-D2 was the normally obedient little robot in Star Wars who suddenly "malfunctioned" to deliver a secret message.
  9. But a critical sensor in the main craft, orbiting the moon, malfunctioned in July, raising fears that the two-year mission may have to be curtailed.
  10. Fig3.But now he appears only in WC, or with malfunctioned PC.
  11. This is the pool where spent fuel rods are kept cool, just like the one that malfunctioned in the Japanese plant.
  12. Then we had another disappointment when our radar equipment malfunctioned and the radar operator couldn't identify the target.
  13. But they said the equipment malfunctioned.
  14. A radio receiver malfunctioned, and then the backup became tone deaf, unable to lock onto a particular frequency.
  15. The suspect Faisal Shahzad is a US citizen born in Pakistan accused of planting a car bomb in Times Square that malfunctioned.
  16. The computer malfunctioned and printed out the wrong data. The scientist's calculations proved exactly right.
  17. Payzone, a company that administers ATMs, would not comment in detail on the incident but said it appeared one of its machines had malfunctioned.
  18. An unknown device has malfunctioned and exceeded the power limits of its hub port. You should disconnect the device.
  19. Plato holds that malfunctioned dramatic imitation may change a person's nature, twist a person's psychology, do harm to a person's oneness and split a person's identification of identity.
  20. It's a shame for Michael this afternoon as it didn't quite work out with the red flag and then his rear wing malfunctioned at the end of his crucial lap costing valuable time.
  21. The factory was eventually shut down by the federal government, but not before a spigot malfunctioned one day and soaked my feet in acid.
  22. The elevator at the Old Town transit center malfunctioned twice last week, requiring rescue operations to free people trapped inside both times.
  23. Indian scientists on Sunday said they were studying the explosion to discover why the rocket, propelled by Russian-designed engines, had malfunctioned.
  24. The jurisdiction of constitution is not clearly authorized to the Federation Court in American constitution mainly because the legislators of constitution worry that too much judicial power may make the judicial organ become a despotic and tyrannical institute, which may make the mechanism of power-restraint malfunctioned.
  25. For some cases, unanimous understanding has gradually been formed in theory and judicial practice, but depositing counterfeit money but taking real one behavior through malfunctioned ATM machine, the community of criminal law and the judicial departments still have some fierce debate on accurate charges and punishment.
  26. Soil liquefaction is one of the most important factors which caused engineering structural malfunctioned and underground structural damage. Earthquake-induced liquefaction is one of the focuses and frontier topics in geotechnical earthquake engineering.
  27. The translating labor market in China faces two problems: structural surplus resulted from malfunctioned supply and demand mechanism; excessive expectation on school education vs. little responsibility on on-the-job training.