黑人保姆(旧时美国南方各州对照看白人孩子的黑人女子的贬称) an offensive word used in the past in the southern states of the US for a black woman who cared for a white family's children
My mammy used to love this song when I was just a tiny young girl. 当我还是个小姑娘时,我妈妈就老爱哼唱这首歌。
What's a good choice, mammy! 这是个多好的选择呀,妈咪!
Frankie, why don't you ask your mammy? 弗兰基,你未何不问你妈妈?
Would you like to come back with me till your mammy comes home? 你妈回来前,你想跟着我吗?
Rhett, who had listened to the talk, gave mammy the money and patted her arm. 瑞德听见了那次谈话,他给了嬷嬷路费,并拍了拍她的臂膀。
Many are down with cold. She is down with la grippe and so is her cook. Mammy, I'm so glad you are here. 很多人患感冒病倒了。她在患流行性感冒,她家的厨子也病倒了。
What I didn't know was when I shot mammy, what will happen to me. 我不知道的是如果我对她开枪的话,我会怎么样。
Mammy used to hold her over my head whenever I was naughty. 以前我只要一淘气,嬷嬷就拿她来警戒我。
Mammy, I want some hot water. 奶妈,给我弄一点热水。
Again the tears began to fall but this time mammy did not even wipe them away. 嬷嬷又开始在流泪,不过这一次她索性不擦了。
With daddy and mammy standing by. don't cry. 在爸爸和妈妈陪着你时。
Hey, you go to school for your mammy. 喂,你要为妈咪去上学。
Mammy will be there and aunt melly. 嬷嬷和媚兰姑姑都在那里。
Take him into the bedroom, Mammy, lay him out on the bed as usual. 奶妈,把他带进卧室去,像往常一样把他放在床上。
The trees were killed off by the severe winter. He came out of his mammy in a field hand's cabin one sharp winter. 严冬把树木一棵一棵地都冻死了。一个严寒的冬天,他的妈妈在一个干农活的黑奴住的小屋里,生下了他。
All right, mammy. I'll teach her to ride sidesaddle. 好的,我就教她骑女用马鞍吧!
She had been Ellen's mammy and had come with her from Savannah to the up-country when she married. 她曾经做过爱伦的嬷嬷,后来爱伦结婚时跟着她从萨凡纳来到了内地。
Don't you think it be nice if you bought something for Mammy, too? 如果给奶妈也买点礼物,你不会觉得更好吗?
She's my Mammy. She's a nurse. 她是我的妈妈。她是个护士。
Mammy had always been wade's mainstay and her frown made him tremble. 嬷嬷一向是喜欢他并给他撑腰的,现在她一皱眉,韦德就发抖了。
And Mammy was hardly polite to him. 而嬷嬷对他却不怎么客气。
He knew mammy had never liked his stepfather. 他知道嬷嬷一向不喜欢他这位继父。
Mammy threw me out, I'm afraid. 恐怕妈妈把我赶出来了。
It was this refusal of food that worried Ellen and mammy more than anything else. 就是这种拒不吃饭的态度使母亲和嬷嬷急得不行。
You ain't holding that against old Mammy, is you? 你不会因为那个而对一个老奶妈生我气吧?
The upstairs hall seemed to shake as Mammy's ponderous weight came toward the door. 当嬷嬷的笨重身躯一步步来到门口时,仿佛楼道都震得颤抖了。
Did you see her, mammy? Wasn't she wonderful? 你看到了?她是不是很了不起吗?
In mammy, Scarlett had found a realist more uncompromising than herself. 思嘉发现嬷嬷是个比她自己更不妥协的现实主义者。
Please, mammy, and I'll sit here till PA comes home. 劳驾了,嬷嬷,让我坐在这里,等爸爸回家来我再进屋去。