
英 [ˈmæntlz] 美 [ˈmæntlz]

n.  (可继承的)责任,职责,衣钵; 覆盖层; (尤指旧时的)披风,斗篷
v.  覆盖; 遮盖


  1. N-SING (指某一职业或要职的)责任,职责
    If you take on the mantle of something such as a profession or an important job, you take on the responsibilities and duties which must be fulfilled by anyone who has this profession or job.
    1. Glasgow has broadened its appeal since taking on the mantle of European City of Culture in 1990...
    2. She has the intellectual form to take up the mantle of leadership.
  2. N-COUNT 覆盖物;幕;罩
    A mantle of something is a layer of it covering a surface, for example a layer of snow on the ground.
    1. The parks and squares looked grim under a mantle of soot and ash.
  3. (旧时的)披风,斗篷
    A mantle is a piece of clothing without sleeves that people used to wear over their other clothes in former times.
    1. See also: mantel


    1. The hills and dales are stripp'd of mantles of snow
    2. C created by the way the light is reflected off the steep, rain-wet mountainsides, the clear crystal water of the lakes and fjords, or the high peaks with their mantles of eternal snow.
    3. We are pleased to notify you that the whole of their extensive stock of silks velvets, ribbons, mantles, shawls, woollen and cotton goods. haberdashery, is now on sale at prime cost.
    4. They live in log-houses; their clothing is still very much that of primitive people of the forests: coarse woolen mantles, skins;
    5. Characteristics and evaluation of carboniferous& jurassic hydrocarbon reservoirs and mantles in East Junggar Basin
    6. The metasomatic enrichments of Mesozoic mantles in the coastal Southeast China were inferred mainly by geochemical deduction, but reliable geologic evidence is lacking.
    7. The specific and relative activities of alkaline phosphatase were similar for both nature and cultured tissues of mantles in this experiment.
    8. Dating materials of lateritic weathering mantles in the Yun-Gui Plateau of china: basis researches of manganese nodules
    9. It is proved by contrast experiments that using mantles can greatly improve the matrix's water maintaining ability, in this way water content can be added, and the workload is reduced.
    10. Histological observation on the mantles in some freshwater mollusksindicate that the connective tissue of the mantle originate from cell-polymerized-mass ( CPM).
    11. In order to study effect of the automatic method of freezing ice mantles on the temperature of the triple point of water, small water triple point cells were compared with the traditional cells.
    12. The tissue MT concentrations were hepatopancreas gills mantles.