
英 [ˈmɑːʃld] 美 [ˈmɑːrʃld]

v.  结集; 收集; 安排; 控制人群; 组织; 维持秩序



    in AM, use 美国英语用 marshaling, mar-shaled

  1. VERB 召集;收集;安排;组织
    If you marshal people or things, you gather them together and arrange them for a particular purpose.
    1. Richard was marshalling the doctors and nurses, showing them where to go.
    2. ...the way in which Britain marshalled its economic and political resources to protect its security interests.
  2. N-COUNT 司仪,典礼官;(尤指体育赛事的)总指挥
    A marshal is an official who helps to supervise a public event, especially a sports event.
    1. The grand prix is controlled by well-trained marshals...
    2. During the demonstration, marshals handed over to the police a young man caught breaking shop windows.
  3. N-COUNT (美国等的地方)警察局局长
    In the United States and some other countries, a marshal is a police officer, often one who is responsible for a particular area.
    1. A federal marshal was killed in a shoot-out.
  4. N-COUNT 消防队长
    A marshal is an officer in a fire department.
    1. ...a Cleveland county fire marshal.
  5. N-COUNT; N-TITLE (英国等的)陆军元帅,空军元帅
    In Britain and some other countries, a marshal is an officer who has the highest rank in an army or air force.
    1. ...Air Chief Marshal Sir Kenneth Cross.


  1. In the RPC style, the data to be transmitted is marshalled into discrete data types in a special XML payload format ( called the SOAP encoding).
  2. It also lacks supports for references, so that graph structures cannot be directly unmarshalled or marshalled.
  3. The object to be marshalled must be an instance of a class that's defined with a global mapping in the binding.
  4. I'll also examine any changes that take place from when a document is originally unmarshalled to when it is marshalled back into an output format.
  5. The glaring issue here, though, is that sometimes XML documents are read in, manipulated, and used by other applications, rather than being marshalled back out to XML.
  6. JiBX does include support for methods to be called before an object is marshalled or after an object is unmarshalled, and these methods could be used to handle most forms of validation.
  7. Torres became isolated and, although a threat when he got the ball, he was superbly marshalled by Nemanja Vidic, who showed no signs of last year's errors.
  8. Shipping was being marshalled into convoys.
  9. Yet the arguments marshalled in support of the quotas are all too familiar.
  10. Marshalled by an astrophysicist, Richard Muller, this group, which calls itself the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature, is notable in several ways.
  11. As my thoughts on that subject began to be marshalled and spoken, I may have been formally influenced by Gray's pentameter quatrains.
  12. He marshalled the facts in the speech very clearly.
  13. Since then it has marshalled public policy and technological solutions to become one of the world's cleanest and most energy-efficient economies.
  14. The children were marshalled into straight lines.
  15. You now feel it a new bond of union, that they shall lie side by side, till the clarion, louder than that which marshalled them to the combat, shall awake their slumbers.
  16. China has marshalled enormous economic resources to ensure the success of the Beijing Olympics.
  17. It has marshalled tens of thousands of Self Defence Force troops to the tsunami-pounded coastline and welcomed foreign rescue teams.
  18. She had marshalled her thoughts and had a legitimate excuse ready.
  19. He1917 thoroughly marshalled the evideuce acknowledging China to be the native home of the peach.
  20. Far more important than the substantial sums being moved out of Japanese savings has been the more intangible wall of money marshalled by the "yen carry trade".
  21. Surprisingly, perhaps, some argue that narcissistic leaders who are often blamed for their excessive self-esteem and grandiosity may have the right mix of qualities for these times, if they can be marshalled effectively.
  22. At the beginning of 1994, this batch of cars passed the trial operation successfully on the Bangladesh railways and was marshalled into regular operation.