
n.  醇香度,松软度(性),土壤适(宜)耕性



  1. The weekend afternoon, enjoys the fragrance and mellowness in the lazy sunlight which receives bethrothal gifts, music grace.
  2. Presently, he smiled and turned to his glum companion. The mellowness of the cuckoo report the come of spring.
  3. It is not a sad beauty of a past cut off from the present, but a mellowness that the present inherits from the past;
  4. She find in him the mellowness that be rare in others at his age
  5. Stockpiled for several years, Shaoxing rice wine has turned to Huadiao wine, which is crowned as a rare vintage due to its brilliant orange yellow colour, rich mellowness and sweet taste.
  6. You know, fine green tea not only has its delicate fragrance and mellowness, but also its typical pure green color.
  7. Valoux gives a rich mellowness, an astringent but delicate taste and an earthy aftertaste.
  8. In the music record, composers and players fused subtly the solitary remote mysterious characteristic of Tartar pipe with the modern musical instruments'dexterity and mellowness.
  9. Effect of Different Cropping Systems on The Mellowness of Meadow Soil
  10. Studies on the irradiation technique in speeding up the mellowness of Shaoxing wine
  11. Studies of factors for speeding up mellowness of yellow rice wine by irradiation
  12. The effects of irradiation dosage, irradiation temperature, different kinds of packing container, vacuous capacity of the container, technology of making wine and storage time on acceleration of yellow rice wine mellowness were studied by sensory evaluation and chemical composition analysis.
  13. Of course, is the most pristine of Qi style and natural appeal, Mr. Zhang Peng, mellowness and calm man, introverted subtle, which is also very similar with the Qi, which is held in high esteem he was one of the reasons Qi.



  1. geniality, as through the effects of alcohol or marijuana

    1. a soft shade of a color
      1. a mellowness of light and shade not attainable in marble

    2. the property of a sensation that is rich and pleasing
      1. the music had a fullness that echoed through the hall
      2. the cheap wine had no body, no mellowness
      3. he was well aware of the richness of his own appearance

      Synonym:    fullnessrichness

    3. a taste (especially of fruit) that is ripe and of full flavor

      1. kindheartedness through maturity or old age