
n.  帮助;服务;救济


BNC.23280 / COCA.27670


  1. For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory.
  2. Mr Higgins, a video games enthusiast and stay-at-home dad, who had previously worked in finance ad&# 173; ministration, has become a munitions expert, tracking the Syrian war from his home in Leicester in the UK.
  3. The Study of Experts 'Investigation for Development Stratagem and Priority Areas of Chinese Business Ad-ministration
  4. As one of management exercise, administration management should comply with the major tendency of management theory and the practice development similarly, to emphasize the research of "human", the soft factor in ministration.
  5. How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather in glory?
  6. The ministration of holy angels, as presented in the Scriptures, is a truth most comforting and precious to every follower of Christ.
  7. After the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979, the Carter Ad-ministration's policy of restraint was largely forgotten.
  8. For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more the ministration of justice aboundeth in glory.
  9. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the characteristics and innovations of the current Chinese drug supervision and ad ˉ ministration system when compared with the old one, and to provide theoretical basis for its further improvement.
  10. Persisting legally thead ministration, safeguarding the agricultural machinery safety and rural society to be harmonious and local custom to be civilized;
  11. To deal with these issues, the article proposes that tax policies concerning non-residents should be strictly abided by and specialized ad-ministration under dependency principles should be adopted and etc.
  12. Discussing the Basis of Penal Responsibility of Ministration Defect Sin
  13. In the academic circles, great attention should be paid to the theoretical research in this area and its practical significance for the system reform of economy so as to promote the establishment of our Chinese model of public ad ministration to fit the rapidly developing economy.
  14. T_3, T_4, T_8, T_4/ T_8 ratio, Tac ( IL-2 receptor) and B-lymphocyte in peripheral blood were determined using indirect immunofluorescence method before and after the ad-ministration of PSK.
  15. A set of elastic credit system and ministration mode;
  16. Under the direct control of the General Ministration of Sports of China, the comprehensive training base is capable of providing necessary training conditions and logistical supports for national high-level sports teams in a long term.
  17. Since the campaign "Year of Hospital Administration" was launched by Ministry of Health and State Ministration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the doctor-patient relationship has become a hot topic in the entire society.



  1. assistance in time of difficulty
    1. the contributions provided some relief for the victims

    Synonym:    reliefsuccorsuccour