The hospital blamed the mix-up on a clerical error. 医院方面将这一混乱归咎于一处笔误。
A lone woman motorist waited for six hours for help yesterday because of a name mix-up 由于名字搞错了,一位独自开车的女子昨天等候救援的时间长达6小时。
I'm sure it was just some sort of mix-up. 我相信这只不过是一次失误。
Australia's Next Top Model's two finalists had already made their winner's and loser's speeches when presenter Sarah Murdoch, daughter-in-law of media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, revealed the mix-up. 全澳超模新秀大赛两名决赛候选人已经分别发表了获胜和落败的讲话,但就在这个时候,主持人萨拉·默多克(传播大亨鲁伯特·默多克的儿媳妇)宣布结果弄错了。
We use working names for each directory, so there is no mix-up. 我们为每一个目录使用工作名称,这样不会混乱。
In an effort to put an end to the mix-up, the Swedish and Swiss consulates in Shanghai have launched a competition on the Swedish Consulate website, asking Chinese people to come up with funny ways to help differentiate the two countries. 为避免混淆,瑞典和瑞士的驻上海领事馆在瑞典使馆的网站上发起了一项比赛邀请中国人想出有趣的办法来区分这两个国家。
But he then boarded a flight home in a hugely embarrassing mix-up by the Blues. 但是之后他立刻登上一部航班回国,令蓝军上下感到非常的困惑和混乱。
So assuming that there was no big baby mix-up at the hospital. 那么假设医院没有把孩子弄混。
Of course I believe you, dan. it's got to be some kind of mix-up. 我当然相信你,丹。这肯定是被搞混了。
The mix-up was soon rectified and embarrassed tour operators booked them on flights to the other side of the world. 这阴错阳差很快的获得改正,尴尬的旅行社人员为他们订了飞往世界彼端的班机。
But nobody on my flight, or the Qatar flight, confessed to taking it, and since the bag was scruffy, with a very wobbly handle, a mix-up seemed unlikely. 但不管是我搭乘的航班还是飞往卡塔尔的航班,都没有人承认拿了我的包。由于我的包非常破旧,手柄还是摇摇晃晃的,拿错是不太可能的。
Because I guess there was some kind of mix-up. 我想起中肯定有什么失误。
I think there's been a mix-up. 我认为其中一定有差错。
I'm sorry about the mix-up over the tapes. 很遗憾,录音带不清楚。
Due to some administrative mix-up the letters had not been sent out. 由于行政工作中忙乱出错,这些信件还未发出。
Examples include: food found to contain botulinum toxin, food with undeclared allergens, a label mix-up on a lifesaving drug, or a defective artificial heart valve. 例如:含有肉毒杆菌毒素的食品,含有未申报的过敏原的食物,抢救用药标签混乱,或有缺陷的人工心脏瓣膜。
Materials handling procedures should prevent mix-up between irradiated and non-irradiated materials. 物料处理规程应能防止已辐射品与未辐射品的混淆。
Due to a police mix-up, the robber go free and the victim is jailed. 由於警察搞混了,小偷逃逸而受害者却入狱了。
He contrived to make a mix-up of the whole thing. 他费尽心机,结果反而把事情弄糟了。
One lucky fan in Maryland got the book Tuesday after a mix-up at an online retailer. 一个在马里兰州的幸运的波特迷在一个网络书商弄混淆后周二就获得了一本。
Well there* There seems to be* A little mix-up here. 嗯看来有什么地方搞错了。
When several package lines are in operation at the same time, segregation or other measures shall be adopted to prevent contamination or mix-up; 有数条包装线同时进行包装时,应采取隔离或其它有效防止污染或混淆的设施;
Though most of the food was recalled before it was eaten, the high-tech mix-up increased public skepticism about so-called frankenfoods. 虽然这些食品在食用前大部分被收回厂,但是这种高科技混合物还是增加了公众对所谓弗兰肯食品的疑虑。
Tuesday's news report of an another baby mix-up case sadly lent topicality to last night's TV drama on a similar subject. 星期二新闻报道的另一宗搞错婴儿的案例令人遗憾地使昨晚播出的类似题材的电视剧成为时事性话题。
There's been an awful mix-up over the dates! 日期问题乱得无以复加!
The mix-up is all because of a mistranslation in his interview with a major British football magazine. 这种混乱源于他接受一家英国足球杂志采访时一句不准确的翻译。
I apologize for the mix-up. 4 I'll handle the damage control. 我为这些混乱的情况道歉。我会处理损坏控管的。
These things happen and the mix-up could end with police chasing some innocent parent driving their kid home with the wrong backpack. 那么结果可能是这样:警察最后找到的只是一个拿错了书包的孩子的家长。
I think there's been some kind of mix-up. 我觉得有一点误会。
We're very sorry about the mix-up on our part. 我们很抱歉我们工作上的失误。