v. 导航; 确定(船、飞机、汽车等)的位置和方向; 航行; 航海; 横渡; 找到正确方法(对付困难复杂的情况) navigate的第三人称单数
V-ERG 为(船只、飞机等)导航;确定…的航行方向;(船只、飞机等)驶向 When someone navigates a ship or an aircraft somewhere, they decide which course to follow and steer it there. You can also say that a ship or an aircraft navigates somewhere.
Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages... 库克船长驾驶的船安全出航100次无事故。
The purpose of the visit was to navigate into an ice-filled fiord. 这次出行是为了能驶入冰雪覆盖的峡湾。
...the new navigation system which will enable aircraft to navigate with total pinpoint accuracy. 将使飞机能够精确定位飞行的新导航系统
VERB (船只)航行于,横渡 When a ship or boat navigates an area of water, it sails on or across it.
...a lock system to allow sea-going craft to navigate the upper reaches of the river... 使海轮可以进入河流上游地区航行的河闸控制系统
Such boats can navigate on the Nile. 这种船可以在尼罗河上航行。
VERB (驾车者)确定行车路线 When someone in a car navigates, they decide what roads the car should be driven along in order to get somewhere.
When travelling on fast roads at night it is impossible to drive and navigate at the same time. 晚上在高速路上行驶时根本做不到边开车边找路。
...the relief at successfully navigating across the Golden Gate Bridge to arrive here... 驾车成功驶过金门桥抵达这里后的轻松
They had just navigated their way through Maidstone on their way to the coast. 他们开车去海滨的路上刚刚经过了梅德斯通。
VERB (鱼、动物或昆虫)找到正确的行动方向 When fish, animals, or insects navigate somewhere, they find the right direction to go and travel there.
In tests, the bees navigate back home after being placed in a field a mile away. 在多次试验中,放置于一英里以外田野中的蜜蜂都能飞回蜂巢。
VERB 小心翼翼地绕过(障碍) If you navigate an obstacle, you move carefully in order to avoid hitting the obstacle or hurting yourself.
He was not able to walk without a cane and could only navigate steps backwards... 没有手杖他无法走路,只能小心翼翼地向后退。
In the corridors he let her navigate her own way round the trolleys and other obstacles... 在通道里,他让她自己小心地绕过小推车和其他障碍物。
If guests wished to use the sofa, they had first to navigate around chairs in the middle of the room. 如果客人想坐沙发,他们得先绕过屋中间的那几把椅子。
VERB 驾驭,成功应付(困难处境) If you manage to navigate a difficult situation, you deal with it successfully.
During childhood each of us has to navigate a pathway through a series of developmental stages... 我们每个人在童年时都要经历和应对不同的成长阶段。
This outlook helped her to navigate through her later years with success. 这种观念帮她安度了晚年。
The field specialist clicks on attachments, and navigates to the accident report. 现场专家单击附件,找到事故报告。
The page action method then mines the request URL to determine the type of data and the data identifier, loads that data, and then navigates to the appropriate template. 然后,该页面动作方法利用请求URL,以判断数据类型和数据标识符,加载数据,然后导航到适当的模板。
Using the input submitted by the user, the macro navigates the host application and extracts the requested output. 使用用户所提供的输入,宏会切换至主机程序并获取需要的输出。
This process repeats itself as the user navigates the application and also occurs in parallel as multiple people access the system. 当用户在应用程序中导航时,这个过程重复进行;当多个用户访问系统时,这个过程会并发进行。
The sequence of numbers following it navigates down through the menu tree, to reach the point where it can invoke the WebSphere Application Server security collection script. 随后的编号序列在菜单树中向下导航,以到达可调用WebSphereApplicationServer安全收集脚本的位置。
The user navigates to those pages by simply clicking on the task in a task list. 用户可以直接在任务列表中单击任务导航到这些页面。
When evaluating the condition on entry of a task, if the condition evaluates to true, the activity is skipped, and the process navigates to the next activity. 在任务入口评估条件时,如果条件评估为True,则跳过该活动,流程将导航到下一个活动。
The Xpath-query navigates first to the input element of the message where it finds a data object of type DocumentForReview and extracts the reviewer property. Xpath查询将首先导航到消息的input元素,将在其中找到DocumentForReview类型的数据对象,然后提取reviewer属性。
Notice the HATS display terminal as the HATS web service navigates through the host screens. 请留意随着HATSWeb服务导航主机屏幕时的这个HATS显示终端。
In its simplest form, each step navigates downward in an XML hierarchy to find the children of the elements returned by the previous step. 在最简单的形式中,每一步在XML层次中向下导航,以发现由前一步返回的元素的孩子。
It first navigates the user to the login page and then advances to the payroll system, which displays monthly pay slips. 它将首先把用户导航到登录页,然后前进到工资单系统,在其中显示每月的工资单。
Using the ProfileService we track the user state as the user navigates through the web application. 通过使用ProfileService,可以在用户的Web应用程序内导航时跟踪用户状态。
The user navigates to find a resource, views the resource, and then decides to either update the resource or create an entirely new resource. 用户会切换至一个资源,检查资源,然后决定是否更新资源还是创建一个完全新的资源。
This example navigates from Account via two steps to create a path expression representing the name of an account's owner. 这个例子通过两个步骤从Account进行导航,创建一个表示帐户所有者的名称的路径。
By using a local mail file with the Notes client, much of the traffic between the client and DPAR is eliminated because the client navigates through the local mail file for most client activities. 通过使用Notes客户机的本地邮件文件,客户机和DPAR之间的许多流量都能消除,因为客户机通过导航本地邮件文件来进行大多数客户机活动。
Each step in the location path navigates from one node to a related set of nodes. 位置路径中的每个步骤都从一个节点浏览到一组相关的节点。
For example, you can double-click a lead from the Leads page that programmatically navigates to a Lead Detail page that is not accessible from the navigation bar. 例如,可以从通过编程方式导航到LeadDetail页面的Lead页面双击lead,这个LeadDetail页面从导航栏上不能访问。
It is important that as a user navigates from page to page, or returns to visit your site, that components can be cached and do not need to be downloaded each time your site is visited. 当用户在页面之间导航,或者返回您的站点时,可以缓存组件,不需要在每次访问站点时都下载它。
When the control navigates to a page, it saves time by displaying a cached version, if one is available, rather than downloading the page again. 当控件导航到某页时,如果该页具有缓存的版本,则直接显示缓存中的内容而不重新下载该页,从而节省了时间。
Handling this event is useful, for example, to change the enabled state of a back button when the WebBrowser control navigates to or leaves the beginning of the navigation history. 例如,要在webbrowser控件定位到或离开导航历史记录的开始部分时更改“后退”按钮的启用状态,处理此事件十分有用。
When a user navigates to another report page, the next page is generated and the frame in the view area is updated to show the new page. 当用户导航到另一报表页时,将生成下一页,并且视图区中的框架会被更新以显示新页。
This event is commonly used when you need to perform a task after the user navigates to a different record in the control. 当您在用户定位到控件中不同的记录后需要执行任务时,通常使用此事件。
When you type a URL into the text box and press enter or click the go button, the WebBrowser control navigates to the URL specified. 在文本框中键入url并按enter或单击“转到”按钮时,webbrowser控件会定位至指定的url。
Navigates backward in the navigation stack by the specified number of entries. 根据指定的项数在导航堆栈中向后定位。
The mystery of the homing pigeon is in how it navigates and how it finds home. 家鸽的神秘之处在于它怎么飞,怎么找到家的。
If the event arguments are not handled, the back key navigates to the next window in the z-order. 如果未处理事件参数,则后退键会按z顺序导航到下一个窗口。
Control navigates to documents that are dropped onto it. 控件是否导航到拖放到它上面的文档。
Control navigates to a new document. 控件导航到新文档之前发生。
Similar to real life mailing, e-mail navigates around "servers". 与现实生活中的邮寄相似,电子邮件也是通过服务者传输的。
Specifies whether a service help page is displayed when a user navigates to the URL for a web service without any parameters in a browser. 指定当用户在浏览器中定位到没有任何参数的web服务的url时,是否显示服务帮助页。