If you must snack, eat it all at once, rather than picking at it, so that the saliva can quickly neutralise the acid generated in the mouth. 如果特别想吃,那么不要小口小口吃,一次吃完,这样唾液可以尽快的中和掉口腔中的酸性物质。
Chengdu Zoo in Sichuan Province: With guns drawn, police stepped into neutralise the threat from an escaped tiger. 四川成都动物园:差人们放下枪,解除了“有一只山君逃亡”的警报。
The index in which JPMorgan is believed to have had a large position initially rose on the news of its losing position, an indication the losses could be higher than the bank reported ( the bank is thought to have moved to neutralise its positions). 据信摩根大通大量持有某指数的头寸,在其头寸减少的消息传出后,该指数最初上涨了,显示实际的损失可能超过该行报告的数字(人们认为该行进行了平仓)。
In short, significantly lower prices over the medium to long term will directly neutralise what Saudi Arabia perceives as the destructive geopolitical actions of these countries in the Middle East. 简言之,油价在中长期内大幅下跌,将直接瓦解沙特眼中这些国家在中东地区展开的破坏性地缘政治行动。
Antioxidants neutralise free radicals before they can cause harm. 抗氧化剂在自由基损伤细胞前就将其消灭。
Antioxidants – found in all fruit, vegetables, herbs and seeds in varying levels – are important because they neutralise molecules called free radicals. 抗氧化剂不同程度的存在于水果、蔬菜、草药和植物种子中,其对于健康非常重要,因为它能消除加快老化的自由基。
Second, modernise the economy and neutralise the resource curse. 第二,实现经济现代化并破解资源诅咒。
You can see why such a trade-off might be tempting to some in Washington: it would take Iran off the table during the campaign and neutralise any electoral advantage accruing to the more hawkish Mr Romney. 可以看出为何此类交易对华盛顿的某些人具有吸引力:它将使得美国在大选期间不用考虑伊朗,并抵消罗姆尼因立场更为强硬而获得的竞选优势。
The Total Base Number ( TBN) can be described as a measure of oil ′ s ability to neutralise strong acids created during the combustion process. 总碱值(TBN)可以说是润滑油中和燃烧过程中产生的强酸的重要手段。
Mr Obama's plan would neutralise that hit ( see table). 奥巴马的计划将中和上述的打击(看表格)。
Larger fiscal deficits will not neutralise the impact of these factors. 提高财政赤字并不能抵消这些因素的影响。
Safety car: the safety car may be brought into operation to neutralise a race upon the decision of the clerk of the course at any time after and including the third lap. 安全车:在第3圈后任何时候,大赛有关人员可采用安全车规则缓冲比赛。
The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralise the reduction in income tax. 增加间接税是为了抵消所得税的减少。
The detergents have a secondary role in providing ′ base ′ ( or TBN) to neutralise combustions acids 清洁剂的另外一个功效,是提供碱性(或者TBN),以中和燃烧生成的酸性物质
The party is likely to run on a "social justice" ticket of higher benefits and a universal minimum wage in an effort to neutralise the fast-growing Left Party. 该党可能通过提高福利、实行普遍最低工资,打出“社会公平”(socialjustice)牌,以使这个快速发展的左翼党中性化。
Fundamentally, Goldman has lost the ability to neutralise the vitriol which greets its every move. 从根本上讲,高盛已失去了“中和”自己一举一动所遭遇的尖酸言论的能力。
Moreover, in a practical sense, any rise in bond yields threatens to neutralise some if not all of the reflationary impact of the rate-cutting efforts by central banks. 此外,在实际意义上,债券收益率的任何提高,都有可能部分(如果不是全部)抵消各国央行降息努力的通货再膨胀效应。
However, a system has also been put in place to regulate entrepreneurs 'investment overseas and subsequent round-trip investments back into China and to neutralise the implications that a change in their nationality may have on the legal characterisation of their domestic businesses. 不过,新规定同时也确立一个制度,对企业家的海外投资及其随后回国进行的返程投资进行监管,并防止因企业家国籍的变更而导致其境内企业的法人性质发生变化。
The government hopes to achieve twin goals with the public housing push: neutralise some of the political furore about the rising cost of housing, while providing a fillip to property construction, which will be hit by measures to limit speculative buying. 政府希望通过推动公共住房建设同时达到两个目标:一是中和住房成本上涨引发的部分政治矛盾,二是推动将会受到限制投机性购房措施冲击的房地产建设。
In the UK, water is made safe by various cleaning processes to neutralise it, then disinfected with chlorine, and it may have fluoride added to it. 在英国,水经过多道净化流程变得安全,随后经过氯消毒,可能还会添加氟化物。
Central banks have in recent years struggled to neutralise the impact of portfolio inflows on the local money supply, adopting a strategy known as sterilisation. 近年来,各国央行一直努力要将流入资金对本币供应的影响中性化,它们采取了一种名为冲销的策略。
Instead, the research suggests adding what it terms a "completeness portfolio" made up of sector indices to neutralise the sector biases of an index. 相反,该项研究建议,加入由分类指数组成的“完全投资组合”(completenessportfolio),以中和一种指数的行业偏差。
The incident seems likely to neutralise whatever goodwill has been generated. 看来这一事件可能会使已经形成的友好关系化为乌有。
They excrete tiny pellets of calcium carbonate which partially neutralise the increasing acidity of the oceans caused by dissolved carbon dioxide. 鱼类排泄出的碳酸钙小球,在一定程度上中和了二氧化碳溶解导致的海洋酸性日益上升。
Using one drug to neutralise resistance to another looks worthy of further research. 用一种抗生素能够让耐药菌获得更好这个现象就值得深入的研究。
This will neutralise the residual imbalance of the components. 这样会消除部件的残余不平衡度。
Beijing has managed to neutralise a lot of potential tensions about the "China threat" by settling border disputes, increasing its participation in international organisations and distributing aid. 北京方面通过和平解决边境争端、加大在国际组织中的参与和对世界各地提供援助,化解了“中国威胁”可能导致的不少紧张关系。