
n.  美好的事物;讲究;精密

BNC.34857 / COCA.29884


  1. ADJ-GRADED 吸引人的;美好的;令人愉快的
    If you say that something is nice, you mean that you find it attractive, pleasant, or enjoyable.
    1. I think silk ties can be quite nice...
    2. It's nice to be here together again...
    3. We had a nice meal with a bottle of champagne.
  2. ADJ-GRADED (常用于表示谢意)好心的,体贴人的
    If you say that it is nice of someone to say or do something, you are saying that they are being kind and thoughtful. This is often used as a way of thanking someone.
    1. It's awfully nice of you to come all this way to see me...
    2. 'How are your boys?' — 'How nice of you to ask.'...
    3. This has been so nice, so terribly kind of you.
  3. ADJ-GRADED 友好的;亲切的;可爱的
    If you say that someone is nice, you mean that you like them because they are friendly and pleasant.
    1. I've met your father and he's rather nice...
    2. He was a nice fellow, very quiet and courteous.
  4. ADJ-GRADED (对人)友好的,亲切的
    If you are nice to people, you are friendly, pleasant, or polite towards them.
    1. She met Mr and Mrs Ricciardi, who were very nice to her.
  5. ADJ-GRADED (天气)温暖的,宜人的
    When the weather is nice, it is warm and pleasant.
    1. He nodded to us and said, 'Nice weather we're having.'
  6. ADJ (用于加强语气)美好的,令人喜爱的
    You can use nice to emphasize a particular quality that you like.
    1. With a nice dark colour, the wine is medium to full bodied...
    2. People have got used to nice glossy magazines...
    3. Add the oats to thicken the mixture and stir until it is nice and creamy...
    4. I'll explain it nice and simply so you can understand.
  7. ADJ (观点、区别等)细致的,微妙的,精细的
    A nice point or distinction is very clear, precise, and based on good reasoning.
    1. Those are nice academic arguments, but what about the immediate future?
  8. ADJ (用于打招呼)很高兴见到你
    You can use nice when you are greeting people. For example, you can say 'Nice to meet you', 'Nice to have met you', or 'Nice to see you'.
    1. Good morning. Nice to meet you and thanks for being with us this weekend...
    2. 'It's so nice to see you,' said Charles.
  9. See also: Knowles became Torquay's manager. Nice one. nicely


  1. As with top, look for the niceness value in the NI column.
  2. Before we look at how to set or change niceness values, let's build a little CPU-intensive script that will show how niceness really works.
  3. In addition to the top command, you can also display niceness values using the ps command.
  4. With four different priorities, we see the effect of the different niceness values as each job finishes in priority order.
  5. Because there has never been a human society built exclusively on a morality of rights ( individual consent) and an ethic of niceness, with no overarching vision of a higher human good to override or compete with it.
  6. Faced with this slippage and uncertainty with a long string of reversals in moral judgment it's no wonder that the ethic of unconditional niceness increasingly trumps all other considerations.
  7. The idea behind it, Terry said, was to offset what he sees as Facebook's enforced artificial culture of niceness, which encourages affinities but leaves less room for disagreement.
  8. But niceness and handsomeness have a common effect: They put these men in the group of people that you notice.
  9. But it isn't. Rather, it's a culture fervently devoted to the moral principle of equal recognition and affirmation& in a word, to an absolute ethic of niceness.
  10. Essense that you picked up. this, uh, this core of niceness.
  11. Problems get buried when "niceness" is more important than realism and honesty.
  12. Steve Knack, an economist who specialises in governance, trust and social capital ( translation: niceness) once told me that, taking a broad definition of trust, it would explain the difference between the per capita income of the US and Somalia.
  13. He uses unique ways to echo elegies for the niceness in his fantastic novels.
  14. If they are told that what counts is niceness ( which most of them probably believe they possess effortlessly anyway) they will conclude that it is fine to spend even more time "chilling" than they do already.
  15. And because your niceness is why I get to take vacations, I thought I'd share them with you.
  16. She smiled with an extraordinary niceness.
  17. Besides," small territory and population "is the ideal world imagined by Laotse which happens have the same view with the thought we are talking now" small thing is the niceness ".
  18. Thanks to you all and your wonderful niceness, I've gotten to see most of the places on my list on tour.
  19. It seems that everything of niceness lives in our memory, but the present things happening around us are often ignored which could also be good memories many years later!
  20. There are all sorts of quibbles to be raised against this renewed emphasis on niceness.
  21. In a place where every spider and squid can take you down faster than a sucker punched boxer you cherish niceness in the animal kingdom.
  22. There was an interesting study done a few years ago in the Harvard Business Review that investigated whether competence or niceness was the greater asset in career terms.
  23. Oh my dear god, why is the niceness so rare.
  24. An informal poll of friends back home suggests that, love him or loathe him, Canadians 'stereotypical niceness extends to a willingness to welcome the prodigal home.



  1. the quality of being difficult to detect or analyze
    1. you had to admire the subtlety of the distinctions he drew

    Synonym:    subtlety

  2. the quality of nice

    1. a courteous manner that respects accepted social usage

        Synonym:    politeness