不得在我后院论者(声称支持某个项目但却反对在自家附近施工者) a person who claims to be in favour of a new development or project, but objects if it is too near their home and will disturb them in some way
ADJ (批评那些不满诸如新道路、住宅区或监狱建在居住地附近的人们)邻避效应,“别在我家后院”观点 If you say that someone has a nimby attitude, you are criticizing them because they do not want something such as a new road, housing estate, or prison built near to where they live. Nimby is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'not in my backyard'.
...the usual nimby protests from local residents. 和往常一样的当地居民的邻避抗议
Nimby ─ or 'not in my backyard' ─ activism in China has grown in tandem with the country's middle class, which increasingly finds itself willing to sacrifice economic growth in favor of environmental well-being. 在中国,邻避(或称不要建在我家后院)运动与中产阶级一同发展起来,中国的中产阶级逐渐意识到自己愿意以经济增长为代价来支持环保。
A spokesperson for the chemicals company said that local NIMBY attitudes were arresting development of the site. 化工公司的发言人说地方保护主义限制了场地的开发。
Therefore, it is an important task to reduce the negative externality of NIMBY facilities, realize cost-benefit equivalence and find ways to ease the contradictions so as to realize the sustainable development of society. 如何减少邻避设施的负外部性,实现成本-效益对等,找到缓解矛盾冲突的途径是实现社会可持续发展的重要课题。
From the perspective of state autonomy, this article selected the waste incineration power plant in Panyu Guangdong as a case, analyzed the role of the state in NIMBY conflict and the difficulties they faced. 本文选取广东番禺垃圾焚烧发电厂事件作为个案,从国家自主性的视角探讨了邻避冲突中的国家角色及其面对的困境。
The main conclusions are as follows: ( 1) It must be clarified that the dominant factors and influential mechanism are the primary conditions in the location selection of NIMBY facilities representative of landfills. 论文主要研究结论如下:(1)明确主导因素及影响机理是以垃圾填埋场为代表的邻避设施区位选择的首要条件。
NIMBY facilities, though pose some threat of pollution, are an important of city public facilities. 邻避设施,是指一些有污染威胁的公共设施,是城市公共设施中重要的组成部分。