
英 [nɔɪzd] 美 [nɔɪzd]

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  1. And fear came on all that dwelt round about them: and all these sayings were noised abroad throughout all the hill country of Judaea.
  2. And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house.
  3. The traditional way is to obtain the sub-image by sampling the noised image in spatial or frequency domain, then calculate its variance to replace that of the original noise.
  4. It was noised about that the meeting would be postponed for a week.
  5. Who noised it a broad that I had spoken to him?
  6. It's rude to shoveled food in and make noised in a party.
  7. Analysis of Co-Correlation Process Gain Loss by Using Noised Reference Signal
  8. Rumors of his dismissal were noised abroad in the department.
  9. It is being noised abroad that he has been arrested.
  10. The statistic interval estimation method on the bridge parameters are discussed based on the noised vehicle response, which could be used for most of the operational system parameters.
  11. It was noised about that the foreign minister intended to resign.
  12. The morning was is noised by birds'twitter to come to always like over the bell voice.
  13. The failure of the great London banking house was quickly noised about.
  14. In the first place the wrong-doer, devoid of rectitude, falls into great poverty through sloth; in the next place his evil repute gets noised abroad;
  15. In a word, the method of this paper is an efficient edge detection algorithm for detecting edges from noised image.
  16. In the system of detecting fine press work, the acquired digital images will be noised unavoidable.
  17. Improved constrained least squares under the condition of noised image and the approach to realize blur identification of blurred image as well as automatically image restoration are mainly discussed in the thesis.
  18. This method can reconstruct extended objects from several noised speckle frames without reference star data.
  19. Before denoising, the edge of a noised image was detected with small-scale LOG operator which had higher orientation precision, and the image edge was smoothed with average filter to reduce a great lot of isolated point.
  20. Finally, it studies how to obtain the best result using generalized Hilbert transform in noised signal edge-detection.
  21. Experimental results show the efficiency of this algorithm even in noised scene.
  22. The restoration of blurred and noised image was investigated.
  23. The real seismic signal can be efficiently extracted from the noised signals by this method without knowing its statistic features.
  24. The de-noised signal is reconstructed.
  25. Experimental results show that the proposed method locates edges more precisely for noised images with straight edges.
  26. The analysis system receives sampling data from the hardware. Due to the interference, the signal is noised.
  27. In this paper, a novel adaptive filter based on support vector regression is proposed, which can effectively be used to suppress impulse noise in images. The main idea of our filter is to use SVR impulse detector to judge whether an input pixel is noised.
  28. We propose a novel context-based image denoising method. It can effectively preserve the strong and weak edges in the image and experimental results show that processing noised images with this method can improve the performance of CAD system.
  29. In this thesis, previous works on MRI image segmentation are summarized before a new image segmentation algorithm combining NLM and FCM is proposed. It is proved that the proposed algorithm improves the accuracy of the image segmentation of noised MRI images.
  30. Considering that tensor analysis is a very useful method to confer the geometric structure information from sparse or noised images. This thesis expects to conduct a novel incomplete data analysis and repairing method in the virtue of tensor analysis.