
adj.  非平行的


  1. Three values of nonparallel boundary stress components can be derived from considerations of equilibrium of the plate.
  2. The capacitance and electric field intensity of nonparallel plate capacitor are calculated according to the formula of electric field energy and capacitor.
  3. The parabolized stability equations ( PSEs) for high speed flows, especially supersonic and hypersonic flows, are derived and used to analyze the nonparallel boundary layer stability.
  4. Gears on nonparallel, non-intersecting shafts also have pitch circles, but the rolling-pitch-circle concept is not valid.
  5. A nonparallel shift in the yield curve involving the height of the curve.
  6. The weak nonlinear instability of a nonparallel boundary layer is studied by nonlinear parabolized stability equations ( PSE).
  7. Bead chains provide an inexpensive and versatile means for connecting parallel or nonparallel shafts when the speed and power transmitted are low.
  8. Coupling between nonparallel waveguides is studied by coupling mode theory, and the coupling equations and coupling coefficients are obtained.
  9. Analysis about Coefficient of Parallel Waveguide with Nonparallel Optical Axes
  10. The process of development and evolution of the disturbance wave and its harmonics in the boundary layer are investigated. The linear and nonlinear stability of different disturbances in nonparallel boundary layer are researched.
  11. The nonparallel linear stability of the two-dimensional and three-dimensional disturbance waves are studied by the parabolized stability equation which is developed in recent years and the local method based on the Landau expansion.
  12. The examples presented clearly show the effect of nonparallel flow on boundary layer stability.
  13. Since the effects of both optical amplitude and phase on the coupling equations and coupling coefficients are considered fully in the present method, our results are more comprehensive in describing the coupling of nonparallel waveguides and should be more meaningful for practical applications.
  14. In this article the nonparallel stability of the boundary layer is investigated effectively by using the parabolized stability equations ( PSE).
  15. Stability investigation of nonparallel boundary layers with pressure gradients
  16. Based on the multi-beam interference principle, it was derived that the expression of the intensity of the transmitted beam for a Gaussian beam passing through a nonparallel F-P interferometer.
  17. In the parallel mode, when the piston rod diameter is equal to the nonparallel connection, the pressure is the same and the flow is not changed, then the output force is sameness and velocity of the cylinder body is approximately equal.
  18. Nonparallel stability analysis of three dimensional disturbance wave in boundary layers
  19. The influence of main flow nonparallel and pressure gradients is considered to show the physical characteristics of flat boundary flow.
  20. Coupling Among Three Nonparallel Waveguides
  21. Nonlinear Evolution Analysis of T-S Disturbance Wave at Finite Amplitude in Nonparallel Boundary Layers
  22. A concise analytical method ( extending coefficient) of coupling between two nonparallel waveguides is reported in this paper.
  23. In this paper, the nonparallel stability of 3D TS waves for the spatial mode in the boundary layers is analyzed using parabolized stability equations ( PSE), which are new effective approach to study the evolution of disturbance waves in the weakly nonparallel flows such as boundary layers.
  24. The effect of non-parallelism of stability is studied by comparing the results of parallel and nonparallel flow.
  25. The nonparallel linear stability of the two-dimensional and three-dimensional disturbance waves are studied by the parabolized stability equations.
  26. In this paper, the result of the capacitance for nonparallel capacitor applying the integral formula mentioned is the same to the result got in the classical method.
  27. By applying the characteristic formula of capacitance in integral form, a calculation is reasonably made on the capacitance of nonparallel-plate capacitor as well as the capacitance of coaxial nonparallel cylindrical capacitor in general use.
  28. Its main tasks are: 1. The study of Nonparallel dual hyperplane SVM classifier model.
  29. The main work and results in this paper are as follows: 1. The scattering characteristics of a uniaxial anisotropic sphere in a Gaussian beam are developed when the beam propagates nonparallel to the primary optical axis.
  30. No matter the boundary layer is subsonic or supersonic, nonparallel effects are obvious at the critical Reynolds number, such that the critical Reynolds number is reduced and the frequency range of unstable disturbances is broadened at the critical Reynolds number.



  1. (of e.g. lines or paths) not parallel

    1. of or relating to the sequential performance of multiple operations
      1. serial processing

      Synonym:    serialin series(p)