
n.  显要人物;著名人士; 值得注意的性质(状况); 〈英、古〉(主妇的)当家手腕




  1. Notability is available only as an iPad app, which costs$ 2.
  2. The results of dynamically productive experiments showed that this technology was of notability and generality.
  3. With Zhaosu county as an example, the method of drawing series map of rangeland resources is discussed with 3s based on the existing rangeland resources information. And the notability excellencies compared with traditional cartography are summarized.
  4. Brand notability should be increased by means of introducing CI design and advertising campaign.
  5. Applied the ideology of Western Commodity School, all kinds of factors on enterprise marketing and managing environment are analyzed which influence the sales status of enterprise products notability.
  6. The technic capability of new type Selective Level Meter and Level Oscillator adopting Direct Digital Synthesis ( DDS) is advanced notability, it makes stability of frequency achieve level of crystal?
  7. These factors include regional economic development level and leisure tradition, tourist market, traffic, festival activities and their notability, spatial competition, tourist resource, governmental support, investment and management of the businesses.
  8. The effects of the temperature on the crystallization of calcium oxalate ( CaOx) were notability.
  9. A new development heating furnace is introduced, its advanced of technique and notability of benefit are proved by using of practical data at the productive operation, and an extensive prospects of use as a clean technology equipment is looked ahead.
  10. Conclusion The propaganda month on respiratory diseases prevention has got a notability results.
  11. Yunnan copper company has attained notability effect by the use of coal-radicle reductant in fixed anode furnace.
  12. The relationship between case numbers and temperature is positive correlation in spring and is negative correlation in autumn. The relationship between case numbers and the meteorological factors has not notability in summer.
  13. Notability and honorability are the two fundamental dimensions through which influence of brand-names upon consumers is judged.
  14. At the same time, industrial design also may obtain protections from copyright law under the certain condition, and when it has notability and distinguishable property, it may even be protected by the trademark law and as well as Law of Anti-Unfair Competition.
  15. Carrying on the analysis of notability to the technique main factor influence for Irrigation evaluation index sign, according to the notability analyses build up experience return function to Irrigation the efficiency of water and Irrigation the uniformity of water.
  16. Development of key specialties raised the notability of the hospital;
  17. At first, orthogonal experiments were performed to determine the main influential factors, and a notability analysis was made on them.
  18. The main influential indicator of the object of misidentification is trademark notability.
  19. In intervention community, the raise of DM knowledge in the groups of less than 40 years old, female and low education level had especially notability.
  20. Notability analysis of simulation result.
  21. In addition, the system can draw the relevance picture of experiment data, and make variance analysis and verification of notability of these data.
  22. The standardized layout of a college journal can improve its notability and influence, its academic articles 'utilization ratio and bring developmental challenge before newborn media.
  23. Kinds of drug agents were used to the screening experiments of the drug effects on Pitaya Anthracnose and the difference notability analysis on the experiment results though investigating disease index and control effect.
  24. The main purpose of advertising is to improve the notability and expand sales of products and services.
  25. The simulation results indicate that the influence trend and notability of the structure modification are relative to the modified position.
  26. Moreover, inflammation is one of the most notability characters of vulnerable plaque, occurring in fibrous cap and adventitia.
  27. The result displays there is no notability relation between whether foreign strategic investor is control shareholder and corporate governance and performance of Chinese banks.
  28. Analysis of the requirements of notability as well as the identification of resound when trademarks are protected under anti-dilution system is also embodied.



  1. a celebrity who is an inspiration to others
    1. he was host to a large gathering of luminaries

    Synonym:    luminaryleading lightguiding lightnotable