
英 [ˌnʌlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən] 美 [ˌnʌləfəˈkeɪʃən]

n.  抵消或损伤;无效,废除,废弃;(美)州对国会法令的拒绝执行,州废除联邦法令的行为(亦称否认原则)




  1. Pyongyang has on several occasions restricted access across the North-South border by suppliers of raw materials, and last month announced the nullification of wage and rent contracts there.
  2. For the processing of nullification of registration, an application for the nullification of registration, examination document of the competent business unit and the settlement report shall be presented.
  3. But this nullification does not affect the validity of the entire air transport contract.
  4. It shall be responsible for the registration of the establishment, change and nullification of people-run non-enterprise units;
  5. Even where a case is established, our company is still entitled to apply for an official nullification of the clause in question.
  6. The people-run non-enterprise unit shall, prior to the processing of nullification of registration, set up a settlement organization and complete settlement under the guidance of the competent business unit and other relevant organs.
  7. After the nullification of that reply, two problems should be solved: it is not appropriate to totally deny conditional constitutional interpretation;
  8. The level of the suspension of concessions or other obligations authorized by the DSB shall be equivalent to the level of the nullification or impairment.
  9. There are still peaceful ways to cut the snakes head off, but you and people like you have so far to go in your education that even bring up things like Nullification would be a waste of time.
  10. Nullification by the destruction of the legal force; rendering null.
  11. On the Lack of the Consensus and the Nullification Movement
  12. Anyone who fails to perform the obligations without proper reasons may, upon request by a relevant organization or individual, entail nullification of his right to inheritance by a people's court.
  13. Procedures for formulation, amendment and nullification of military statutes and regulations shall be stipulated by the CMC in accordance with the principles specified in the provisions of the said law.
  14. The law consequences led to by the nullification of insurance contract may be applied to the correlation provision of contract law by analogy.
  15. Besides its applying to the cause of nullification of contract in the contract law, the cause of nullification of insurance contract ought to regulate it specially in the insurance law based on the special character of insurance.
  16. In determining nullification or impairment of benefits to other Members, benefits are actually refer to the relation of trade competence held in GATT, and are reasonably anticipated by victims.
  17. On the Nullification of Insurance Contract and Its Legal Consequence
  18. With the development of GATT and WTO, Nullification or Impairment has been endowed with new meaning now.
  19. The nullification system of insurance contract is not quite perfect in the insurance law of our country.
  20. Nullification assay was used to examine whether EGCG nullify the rescue effect of deoxycytidine ( dCdR) to AraC.
  21. The legal presumption of benefits nullification or impairment is the key concept in the violation cases.
  22. The procedural sanction has such forms as discontinuation of action, revocation of the original judgment, exclusion of the illegal evidence, absolute nullification of the procedural act, relative nullification of the procedural act and imposition of a lenient sentence.
  23. Certainly, there will be no credit basis without property. The company basis will die out because of nullification after its liquidation.
  24. The nullification of insurance contract means that the tenable insurance contract does not produce entirely or partly legal effects because of its legal cause and promised causes.
  25. As far as its academic connotation is concerned, the novel is enlightening for today's people to reflect on disenchantment and nullification.
  26. And at last, the author thinks that John Adams has played a pivotal role in American early political history and in the origin of the American conservatism. Nullification in the Early History of U.S.Constitutional Government Credit Metrics developed by J.
  27. Under such circumstances, nullification of corporate personality system emerges as the times require.



  1. the act of nullifying

      Synonym:    override

    1. the states'-rights doctrine that a state can refuse to recognize or to enforce a federal law passed by the United States Congress