
英 [əˈfɛnsɪvz] 美 [əˈfɛnsɪvz]

n.  进攻; 攻击; 侵犯; (引人注意的)系列行动; 运动; 攻势


  1. ADJ-GRADED 冒犯的;得罪人的;唐突的;无礼的
    Something that is offensive upsets or embarrasses people because it is rude or insulting.
    1. Some friends of his found the play horribly offensive.
    2. ...offensive remarks which called into question the integrity of my firm.
  2. N-COUNT 进攻
    A military offensive is a carefully planned attack made by a large group of soldiers.
    1. Its latest military offensive against rebel forces is aimed at reopening important trade routes...
    2. The armed forces have launched offensives to recapture lost ground.
  3. See also: Republicans acknowledged that they had little choice but to mount an all-out offensive on the Democratic nominee. ...a diplomatic offensive. charm offensive
  4. ADJ (体育运动中球队)进攻的,攻方的
    In sports such as American football or basketball, the offensive team is the team which has possession of the ball and is trying to score.
    1. The worst-ever defeat of this team proved once again that Stanford can be one of the most explosive offensive teams in the country.
  5. PHRASE 采取强势行动;采取攻势
    If you go on the offensive ,go over to the offensive, or take the offensive, you begin to take strong action against people who have been attacking you.
    1. The West African forces went on the offensive in response to attacks on them...
    2. The Foreign Secretary has decided to take the offensive in the discussion on the future of the community.


  1. The armed forces have launched offensives to recapture lost ground.
  2. The Taliban, the Afghan army and international military forces say they will halt their offensives Sunday, to coincide with international peace day.
  3. Two previous military offensives in the last two years against the Swat Taliban failed to push them from the valley, and after each time the militants returned even stronger.
  4. Pentagon spokesman Tuesday called them "exactly the appropriate response" to recent Taliban offensives that have claimed more and more territory.
  5. The Pakistani military has launched several offensives in Swat in the past two years to rein in Taliban extremists.
  6. The offensives are part of the new strategy announced in March by President Barack Obama, and being implemented by his new commander in Afghanistan General Stanley McChrystal.
  7. The question posed by US China scholar, David Lampton, in a speech in Shanghai in March looks disturbingly prescient after a whirl of diplomatic and security offensives in recent weeks in the region.
  8. Momentum also undermines China's regional charm offensives.
  9. They haven't enough troops or material to run two major offensives at the same time though.
  10. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the military and political qualities of the guerrilla units ( county and district primary guerrilla detachments) in border areas between the enemy-occupied areas and our base areas, so that they can launch political offensives.
  11. In the third stage, our war will no longer be one of strategic defensive, but will turn into a strategic counter-offensive manifesting itself in strategic offensives;
  12. Their political offensives consist in tempting wavering elements in the anti-Japanese camp, splitting the united front and undermining Kuomintang-Communist co-operation.
  13. With regard to China's rear areas, its policy is to launch mainly political offensives, supplemented by military offensives.
  14. Sometimes, enemy forces in White strongholds encircled by the Red Army in some base areas have broken through our encirclement and withdrawn to the White areas to organize new offensives.
  15. Whether in counter-offensives or offensives, we should always concentrate a big force to strike at one part of the enemy forces.
  16. Not only arms and arts, but man himself, has yielded to it. Since their occupation of Wuhan, they have come to realize that military force alone cannot subjugate China and have therefore resorted to political offensives and economic blandishments.
  17. Offensives in guerrilla warfare generally take the form of surprise attacks.
  18. And the armed forces of all the Liberated Areas were to launch vigorous offensives on all the main communication lines under enemy control to compel the Japanese and puppet troops to surrender.
  19. Since their occupation of Wuhan, they have come to realize that military force alone cannot subjugate China and have therefore resorted to political offensives and economic blandishments.
  20. Unable to finish off the war quickly, Chiang, who had been waging offensives on four northern fronts at once, was forced to reduce his commitments and concentrate on one main front.
  21. Chapter IV initiative, flexibility and planning in conducting offensives within the defensive, battles of quick decision within protracted war, and exterior-line operations within interior-line operations
  22. The Chinese Anti-Japanese War totally broke out in 1937, and Japan mounted large-scaled offensives to China relying on their military advantage.