
英 [ˌɒpəˈzɪʃənz] 美 [ˌɑpəˈzɪʃənz]

n.  (强烈的)反对,反抗,对抗; (事业、竞赛、游戏等的)对手,敌手,竞争者; 反对党; 在野党



  1. N-UNCOUNT (强烈的)反对,不赞成
    Opposition is strong, angry, or violent disagreement and disapproval.
    1. The government is facing a new wave of opposition in the form of a student strike...
    2. Much of the opposition to this plan has come from the media.
  2. N-COUNT-COLL (与政府意见相左的)反对党,在野党,反对派
    The opposition is the political parties or groups that are opposed to a government.
    1. The main opposition parties boycotted the election, saying it would not be conducted fairly.
  3. N-COUNT-COLL (议会或立法机构中的)反对党,在野党,反对派
    In a country's parliament or legislature, the opposition refers to the politicians or political parties that form part of the parliament or legislature, but are not the government.
    1. ...the Leader of the Opposition.
  4. N-SING-COLL (体育比赛中的)对手,竞争者,竞争队伍
    The opposition is the person or team you are competing against in a sports event.
    1. Poland provide the opposition for the Scots' last warm-up match at home.


  1. Until Friday afternoon, the biggest risk facing Japanese economic recovery was the sky-high oil price and the disability of export demand, as well as the hesitant government and the upcoming showdown on the budget issue by the increasingly bold oppositions.
  2. Yet this is the last of the Saturn oppositions that has been creating both personal and relationship pressure and a lot of ups and downs, with no better planet to wrap things up than Venus.
  3. The oppositions immediately denounced the update, saying they have lost confidence in the government for having not taken effective measures to deal with the economy.
  4. It is concluded that the novel conveys the message that in exploring and constructing the female subjectivity, the top priority should be the deconstruction of the binary oppositions.
  5. This enemy has aides-de-camp in the form of the squares and oppositions, but his headquarters is the12th house.
  6. It is the cellular form of civilized society, in which the nature of the oppositions and contradictions fully active in that society can be already studied.
  7. He tried his best to bear down all of his oppositions.
  8. In others they could become chaotic, especially if oppositions splinter having achieved the one objective on which they agree: the ousting of the existing regime; Egypt and Tunisia both come to mind here.
  9. His poetry is full of oppositions and contrasts.
  10. This is shown most rigidly in a Grand Square with two internal oppositions ( see the Grand Cross).
  11. The details, the hesitations, little possible oppositions, were swallowed up in that vast and luminous fact.
  12. Men create oppositions which are not.
  13. The aspirant makes a detailed study of his twelfth house conditions from the standpoint of malefic conjunctions, squares and oppositions.
  14. Markedness theory, one of the fundamental theories of structuralist linguistics, was put forward by the Prague School in their study of phonemic oppositions.
  15. Given a set of basic symbolic oppositions, connections created by symbolic figures in a text are generally governed by similarities to and differences from the basic binary parameters.
  16. In Jude the Obscure, Hardy employs several pairs of binary oppositions to enhance its artistic values.
  17. Humans are the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters These oppositions split off of the self just as the Prime Creator is in all things and allows all things.
  18. With free will, all things are allowed and oppositions occur.
  19. In each of these binary oppositions, ours was ipso facto the right one.
  20. What hides under the spectacular oppositions is a unity of misery.
  21. On the Identification and Legal Regulation of Malicious Trademark Oppositions
  22. The energy polarizes either producing or aggravating situations that are reveal oppositions between politics and religion.
  23. The Oppositions and Unities between the Attack and Humanistic Spirit of Chinese Martial Art
  24. This has been effectively expressed in recent novels as contradictions and oppositions between the pre-modern and the modern.
  25. But analysts say Prime Minister Stephen Harper may announce proroguing the parliament to give himself more time to fight off the oppositions.
  26. At first encountering violent oppositions, Freud's ideas gradually gained world wide acceptance.
  27. Increasingly they are perceived to be repositories for former officials, acting as oppositions in waiting, pumping out papers that push one particular policy direction.
  28. The blues aesthetic denotes a vibrant cultural network, which mediates oppositions such as poverty and abundance, creativity and commerce.
  29. That's fine because all perihelic oppositions of Mars are spectacular. Mars is opposing Jupiter in your chart showing extravagant tendencies and often loses through speculation.
  30. But its day-to-day practice is often dirtier: oppositions must be denigrated, promises and compromises made, voters persuaded to trust you with decisions that will affect every aspect of their lives.