His orderlies were instructed not to disturb him while he relaxed and intuited decisions. 当他在放松状态下运用直觉去做出决定时,他不允许他的传令兵去打扰他。
Two orderlies came out to the cab as soon as we pulled up. 我们刚停车,就有两个护理员出来向我们走来。
The first people she paid were the hospital nurses and orderlies so they would clean her husband's body and treat it with respect when they moved it to a freezer cupboard in the morgue. 首先要打点的是医院的护士和护理员,这样他们才会为她丈夫清洁身体,在将他的尸体移送至太平间的冰柜时,才会表现出尊重。
Schwaegermann assured him he could and sent two orderlies to procure the gasoline. 施瓦格曼向他保证,他能做到,便叫两个勤务兵去弄汽油。
It took like three orderlies to get him in a straight jacket. 要三个勤杂工,才给他换上了干净的外套。
One of the orderlies, Levy was shuffling the cards. So as to prevent cheating, he was asked to reshuffle the cards. 一个叫莱维的勤务兵正在洗牌。为了防止作弊,他重新洗牌。
One of his duties was to train medical orderlies as suicide bombers. 他的职责是训练护理员作自杀式投弹。
A small crowd of nursing staff, orderlies and onlookers clustered round the bed in the treatment room where she had been taken after collapsing on the grass outside. 这名妇女在草地上晕倒后被抬进了医务室,一小簇医护人员、勤杂工和旁观者围在床前。
While the medical orderlies hurry by, and the echoes of the blast die away, he sets to work with efficient hands. 护理员打旁边匆匆忙忙地经过,爆炸的回声消失了,这时他用敏捷的手开始工作起来。
Strengthen the political moral construction of the state orderlies, especially the leading cadres who should be the good examples of abiding by the socialist laws and exercising the socialist morals, the promoters and exercisers of managing state affairs by law and morals; 要加强国家公务员尤其是领导干部的政德建设,使广大公务员成为遵守社会主义法律和实践社会主义道德的表率,成为依法治国和以德治国的有力推动者和实践者;