Some sources point to PS4 outselling Xbox one by a rate of two to one on Amazon ( AMZN) coming out of E3 last week. 有消息指出,上周,亚马逊(Amazon)在E3大会上进行的投票结果显示,PS4的支持率超过XboxOne一到两个百分点。
Tablets will be bigger than PCs. by 2020, Munster estimates, tablets will be outselling personal computers and the iPad will still dominate the market. 蒙斯特预测,到2020年,平板电脑的销售将超过个人电脑,iPad将继续统治市场。
And it is outselling other fake, plastic trees two to one, the retailer said. 零售商说,而且它比其他伪造品、塑料圣诞树要卖得多一倍。
Embedded systems are huge part of everyday life in the21st century, far outselling traditional computing devices such as desktops, laptops, and servers. 在21世纪的日常生活中,嵌入式系统扮演了重要的角色,其销售数量远远超过了传统的计算设备,如台式计算机、便携式计算机和服务器。
At New York Costumes, a President Barack Obama mask is slightly outselling a mask of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, said store manager Tony Bianchi. 在出售热门万圣节服装的纽约道具店,据该店经理托尼•比安池说,奥巴马总统的面具销量比共和党总统候选人米特•罗姆尼的面具略胜一筹。
The new magazine is outselling many established titles. 这本新杂志比许多有名气的杂志更畅销。
The department store chain found that forks were far outselling knives, with a peak of three forks sold for every knife in London. 结果发现,餐叉的受欢迎程度远远超过了餐刀,在伦敦餐叉的销售数量甚至是餐刀的三倍。
In a move that will leave etiquette experts in despair, forks are outselling knives by two to one. 刀叉疏散无疑让西餐餐桌礼仪专家们酸心,而且如今餐叉的发卖额是餐刀的两倍。
Now that the latter are outselling the former, though, I am going to center my main buying guides on laptops. 现在笔记本的销售数量越来越多,我也要把购买指南的重心转移过来了。