The groups tend to overcompensate by creating contracts and specifications prior to designing, developing, and integrating code. 组织倾向于过度在创建合同和规格上工作,而不是在设计、开发和集成上。
That` s an inferiority complex where short men overcompensate by being aggressive. 这种自卑情结让矮个子男人过分激进,欲盖弥彰。
I have found that I need to overcompensate for my "soft" appearance in order to get my point across. 我发现要达到我的愿望,我需要克服我温和的外表这一关。
Some people react by constantly seeking reassurance, while others overcompensate by taking risks. 有些人的反应是通过不断寻求保证;而另一些人用“冒险”从而引起”矫枉过正“。
Do you feel like because you a white boy, you got to overcompensate sometimes? 因为你是个白人小子,所以你有时为了自卑反应过度?
When she's nervous she tends to overcompensate by being very aggressive. 当她紧张时,她往往表现得极为放肆。