
英 [ˌəʊvəˈteɪks] 美 [ˌoʊvərˈteɪks]

v.  超过; 赶上; (在数量或重要性方面)大于; (不愉快的事情)突然发生,突然降临


  1. VERB 超(车);追上(前面的人)
    If you overtake a vehicle or a person that is ahead of you and moving in the same direction, you pass them.
    1. When he eventually overtook the last truck he pulled over to the inside lane...
    2. The red car was pulling out ready to overtake.
  2. in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 pass

  3. VERB 赶上,超越(对手)
    If someone or something overtakes a competitor, they become more successful than them.
    1. It's the first time at these games that the Americans have overtaken the Cubans...
    2. Lung cancer has now overtaken breast cancer as a cause of death for women in the US...
    3. Sales are booming in Japan, which has overtaken Britain as the Mini's biggest market.
  4. VERB (事件)出人意料地降临于…,突然发生在…身上
    If an event overtakes you, it happens unexpectedly or suddenly.
    1. Tragedy was shortly to overtake him, however.
  5. VERB (情感等)压倒,使难以承受
    If a feeling overtakes you, it affects you very strongly.
    1. Something like panic overtook me...
    2. From the moment Edward had told her of the escape attempt, she had been overtaken by a sense of impending doom.


  1. This is the evil in everything that happens under the sun: The same destiny overtakes all.
  2. The wise man has eyes in his head, while the fool walks in the darkness; but I came to realize that the same fate overtakes them both.
  3. This point over here, the point at which the lines cross over, the pace of change overtakes the pace of learning, and for me, that is what I was describing when I was telling you about midnight.
  4. I hurry to cross the river before the night overtakes me.
  5. Once the more rapid growth of China since 2011 is included in calculations, it overtakes the US in 2014.
  6. It would be an irony if India finally overtakes China in terms of headline growth just as the concept goes out of fashion.
  7. He that rises late must trot all day, and shall scarce overtake his business at night, while laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him.
  8. See now, your servant has had grace in your eyes and great is your mercy in keeping my life from destruction, but I am not able to get as far as the mountain before evil overtakes me and death;
  9. Try this technique to stop rising anger before it overtakes you.
  10. Laziness travels so slowly, that poverty soon overtakes him.
  11. Of course, we are fully aware that whoever overtakes will feel the headwind, and whoever leads the way will bear responsibility.
  12. Even after it overtakes Japan as the second largest economy, China will still be a developing nation for a long time to come.
  13. An ass lading with gold overtakes every thing.
  14. Overtakes Alcatel-Lucent to become world's No.3 mobile network gear maker, doubling its market share from a year ago, according to researcher Dell'Oro.
  15. There it will remain until, catastrophe or stagnation aside, it overtakes the US to become Number One.
  16. The steps of his strength become short, and by his design destruction overtakes him.
  17. Sometimes the INJ's private world overtakes the INJ to the point that they completely tune out their environment.
  18. "Japan's economic activity continues to be important to the rest of the world" even as China overtakes Japan in size, he said.
  19. NO11: If any country overtakes india half of the indians will not come to know what is happening here
  20. As it overtakes America as the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, its cavalier disregard of the global environment will become an ever-bigger issue in its foreign relations.
  21. Back to the life I miss so much of never going to bed, but sleeping when sleep overtakes me in front of my computer, or with a guitar in my arms.
  22. Eventually, the exponential always catches up and overtakes the arithmetic progress.
  23. But it would be a mistake to assume that US leadership will simply end on the day – 20 years from now – when China's economy overtakes that of the US.
  24. What employers need to know is that depression is real, the sufferer can do nothing about it and it overtakes at enormous speed.
  25. Because of the number of your sins, your skirts have been uncovered and violent punishment overtakes you.
  26. When evil-doers are lifted up, men take cover; but when destruction overtakes them, the upright are increased.
  27. The course of disease overtakes 7 days, Masculine leading is 44.18%;
  28. This article analysis it from three aspects, which is management, performance, audits and overtakes.
  29. Among the religion criticism, Marx accepts the religion criticism of Feuerbach, and overtakes Feuerbach, Puts forward political liberty and human liberty.