Clad in a diaper and with a pacifier in his mouth, Titus shows his expert aim and his love of the game in the video. 两岁的Titus还穿着尿布嘴里叼着奶嘴,但在视频中他充分展示了自己的专业水平和对篮球的热爱。
People talk of strategy, vision, geopolitics, the world stage, but surrender specific proposals as readily as a baby gives up a pacifier clenched between its gums. 人们谈论战略、愿景、地缘政治和世界舞台,但让他们提出具体建议时,他们就像婴儿吐出紧咬住的奶嘴一样轻易放弃。
Unlike a pacifier ( dummy), which can fall on the floor and get dirty, your nipples are always safe. 相比而言,安抚奶嘴会掉到地上弄脏,而您的乳头永远都是安全的。
I wonder if Versace makes a pacifier. 我不知道范思哲会不会做奶嘴。
During the day, do not give your baby a bottle filled with sweet drinks to use like a pacifier. 白天,不要给你的宝宝装有糖饮料的瓶子作为奶嘴或镇静物(就是孩子发脾气的时候哄他的东西)。
Parents often wonder what effect thumb sucking or sucking on a pacifier might have on their baby's teeth. 父母经常想知道咬奶嘴对他们的孩子有什么作用。
She's a great pacifier. 她很会抚慰人。
An innocuous or inert medication; given as a pacifier or to the control group in experiments on the efficacy of a drug. 一种无害的惰性药;在药物功效试验中作为控制组或抚慰剂的药物。
Is this the pacifier? 这就是奶嘴吗?
If she sucks on a latex pacifier, use a latex bottle nipple rather than a silicone one, and vice versa. 如果宝宝的安抚奶嘴是橡胶的,就给他用橡胶的奶嘴,而不是硅胶的。
Give no artificial teat or pacifier to your breastfeeding baby. 请勿给予正接受母乳哺饲之婴儿使用奶咀或其他同类物品。
Yeah. And while I was leaning on the windowsill, my pacifier fell out of my mouth. 是的。当我靠着窗沿的时候,我的奶嘴掉了出去。
"The Pacifier" played for, like, a year. “超级奶爸”大概上映了一年。
Consider offering the baby a pacifier at nap time and bedtime. 可以在婴儿小睡时间和就寝时间提供安排一人看护。
Once we gave the baby her pacifier, she stopped crying immediately. 我们一给这个小宝宝她的奶嘴,她就马上不哭了。
My first pacifier was made of jerky. 我的第一个奶嘴是用牛肉干做的。