Webmin has several tools to work with file systems and partitions. Webmin有一些工具用于管理文件系统和分区。
You can define named subsets of one or more database partitions within a database. 可以在一个数据库中定义包含一个或多个数据库分区的有名称的子集。
Information about the table space and index node groups or partitions. 关于表空间和索引节点组或分区的信息。
Besides filesystems on partitions, floppy disks, and CDs, there are other types of filesystems. 除了分区、软盘和CD上的文件系统外,还有其他类型的文件系统。
Each partition can be activated and restarted independently of other partitions. 可以独立地激活和重新启动各个分区(独立于其他的分区)。
Users can access local partitions and folders to read and write the data from a Microsoft Windows session. 用户可以访问本机分区和文件夹,并从MicrosoftWindows会话中读取和写入数据。
Four Domino partitions were configured for this environment, and data points of6000 and9000 users were tested. 我们为这个环境配置了4个Domino分区,测试的数据点有6000和9000个用户。
Let's review the distinction between partitions and file systems. 我们来回顾一下分区和文件系统之间的区别。
You can create, delete, and modify the type for existing partitions. 您可以创建、删除和修改现有分区的类型。
Virtualization in System p ™ provides strict isolation between different logical partitions. SystemP™中的虚拟化为不同的逻辑分区之间提供了严格的隔离。
Figure 7 shows a POWER system with partitions and Virtual I/ O Server. 图7显示了一个包含分区和虚拟I/O服务器的POWER系统。
This limits the number of primary partitions on a disk to four. 这限制了一个磁盘上的主分区数量,最多为4个。
This article illustrates how to set up and use IVM and how to create and work with Linux partitions. 本文说明了如何设置和使用IVM以及如何使它和Linux分区一起工作。
You can also use the system catalog views to retrieve information about database partitions and database partition groups. 还可以使用系统编目视图来检索关于数据库分区和数据库分区组的信息。
A physical adapter assigned to a partition can be shared by one or more other partitions. 为一个分区分配的物理适配器可分享给一个或多个其他分区。
It displays a virtual operator panel of the contents and status for the system and the partitions. 它显示了一个虚拟操作员面板,其中包括系统和分区的内容及状态。
In Solaris, the concepts of slices and partitions are extremely important to understand. 在Solaris中,了解片和分区的概念极为重要。
Tables within a partitioned database can be located in one or more database partitions. 在分区数据库中,一个表可以分布在一个或多个数据库分区中。
One important caveat is that Linux and Windows use the same GUID for their data partitions. 一个重要的说明是,Linux和Windows对它们的数据分区使用相同的GUID。
In DB2 for LUW, you can place individual partitions of such table on one or more table spaces. 在DB2forLUW中,您可以将这种表的各个分区放在一个或多个表空间上。
A database partition group is a set of one or more database partitions. 数据库分区组是由一个或多个数据库分区组成的一个组。
Thus, physical processors, memory, and I/ O are divided among one or more partitions. 因此,物理处理器、内存和I/O可以分配给一个或多个分区。
These tools allow you to boot your system with a special disk and dynamically resize your partitions and filesystems. 这些工具可以让您用一个特殊磁盘来引导系统,并可以动态地重新调整分区和文件系统的大小。
These interfaces are used to manage and configure the client partitions and the virtual I/ O resources. 这些界面可以用来管理和配置客户机分区和虚拟I/O资源。
You can store data in different partitions in the same table of a database using table partitioning. 您可以使用表分区将数据存储在同一个数据库表的不同分区中。
The required partitions are the PReP partition, swap partition, and a root("/") partition. 所需的分区包括PReP分区、swap分区和一个根分区(“/”)。
Upgrade this disk to a dynamic disk; partitions and volumes on the disk are also upgraded. 将磁盘升级到动态磁盘;磁盘上的分区和卷也会升级。
Create and format partitions on drives. 在驱动器上创建和格式化分区。
Essentially, partitions form the basic unit of organization in the physical architecture of tables and indexes. 实际上,分区构成了表和索引的物理结构中的基本组织单位。
We shall consider partitions of the edges of graphs and hypergraphs. 我们将考虑图和超图的边的划分。