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  1. The contracts for operators ought to penalise such failures.
  2. But despite being one of the worst offenders, she said the plan to introduce maximum noise levels and to penalise those who exceed them was a smart idea.
  3. Mike Dawson touched gate five when going down the 18-gate Olympic course on Sunday, and his mother, Kay Dawson, did not hesitate to penalise her son.
  4. This objection springs not so much from a desire to get everything for nothing, as from resentment at a provision which appears to penalise what people have come to regard as the duty and pleasure of thrift.
  5. But in an environment where regulators penalise illiquid assets and push more derivatives on to exchanges, the human touch has become a liability to be replaced by cheaper algorithms.
  6. Do search engines such as Google penalise dynamic pages?
  7. But sanctions that penalise members of the former junta and their cronies should stay, until there is more evidence that the military men really are ready to cede power.
  8. Economists prefer carbon prices, especially those set by taxes rather than cap-and-trade systems, which are more vulnerable to capture by the polluters they are supposed to penalise.
  9. The first to go should be those that penalise the poorest.
  10. The industry has opposed the proposal and warned that it would penalise profitability just as the banks prepare to set aside increased amounts of capital to meet new regulatory requirements.
  11. The summit has also failed to address the subsidies and tariffs systems that distort global agriculture markets and heavily penalise small farmers in developing countries.
  12. Other suggested measures include ending subsidies that encourage exports and manufacturing at the expense of services; attacking monopolies that penalise consumers; and allowing currencies to appreciate.
  13. Some politicians and activists believe attitudes could be changed by tax laws that penalise investors who trade in and out of stocks.
  14. America does not formally need to default to penalise its creditors; it can simply let its currency decline.
  15. WALL STREET is often criticised for heaping gold on bankers in fat years, but failing to penalise them in lean ones.
  16. Recent US court verdicts forcing China to scale back production subsidies, along with draft legislation that would penalise China for currency manipulation, are aggravating relations.
  17. To further that aim, TPP rules will penalise China in some areas.
  18. It was the first time that the FSA tried to penalise a senior manager for inadequate supervision rather than for actual wrongdoing.
  19. Governments should penalise businesses that mislead the public.
  20. Initially it had been thought the Premier League would not penalise the club for Kop Holdings becoming insolvent, but now the threat of a points deduction has become a serious one.
  21. If governments want to support factories, they should lower taxes and administrative fees – not penalise workers.
  22. Moreover, the government has so far been reluctant to wipe out shareholders, penalise creditors or kick out tainted bosses, such as BofA's Ken Lewis& though it says sackings may yet be in order.
  23. In the laboratory games, the poorest players surrendered some of their own money tokens simply to penalise their richer counterparts, without any hope of personal gain.
  24. Indeed, the current arrangements penalise the debtor countries even more than in the 1980s because they will have to pay hefty risk premiums after 2013.
  25. Would be unfair to penalise those without a job.
  26. In India Hindu nationalists want to penalise Christians who make converts.
  27. If the EU persists with its threat to penalise Chinese airlines, industry officials said they would retaliate by measures against European airlines, which could include impounding European aircraft.
  28. Protectionism would gain support politicians in countries such as France and the US have already raised the prospect of "border tax adjustments" to penalise imports from heavy-emitting countries that do not submit to carbon regulation.
  29. The hoarding could reflect justifiable caution but if it persists, ASR suggests, governments may start accusing large companies of "Rent-seeking" behaviour and may even penalise those that are seen to have accumulated "excessive" cash.



  1. impose a penalty on
    1. The students were penalized for showing up late for class
    2. we had to punish the dog for soiling the floor again

    Synonym:    punishpenalize