VERB 使受公众(尤指记者)批评;使受羞辱 If someone is pilloried, a lot of people, especially journalists, criticize them and make them look stupid.
A man has been forced to resign as a result of being pilloried by some of the press. 一人因为受到一些媒体的抨击已被迫辞职。
颈手枷(欧洲旧时用以将罪犯示众的刑具) A pillory is a wooden frame with holes for the head and hands. In Europe in former times criminals were sometimes locked in a pillory as a form of punishment.
A man has been forced to resign as a result of being pilloried by some of the press. 一人因为受到一些媒体的抨击已被迫辞职。
He wants a fallacy to expose, a blunder to pillory, requires a Little sense of victory, a roll of the drums, to call his powers into full exercise. 他需要谬论供他批驳,需要错误让他嘲笑,更需要一点胜利的气氛,一阵鼓声,以便最大限度发挥他的本事。
As the sacred edifice was too much thronged to admit another auditor, she took up her position close beside the scaffold of the pillory. 由于神圣的大厦中挤得人山人海,再也无法容纳新的听讲人,她只好在紧靠刑台的地方占了个位置。
Be that as it might, the scaffold of the pillory was a point of view that revealed to Hester Prynne the entire track along which she had been treading, since her happy infancy. 无论如何,这座示众刑台成了一个了望点,在海丝特白兰面前展现山自从她幸福的童年以来的全都轨迹。
At a time when there is international concern about the number and quality of science graduates, we cannot afford to pillory schools that are getting results, irrespective of sector. 当国际社会对理工科毕业生的数量和质量表示关注的时候,我们不能总是当众侮辱所得到的结果。
Inside the pagoda, there is a small India-made iron stupa, in which some remains of Skt Sakyamuni are kept. then the abbot's pillory, a pretty little round tower, well capped with a leaden cone; 塔内还有一印度小铁塔,释迎牟尼舍利子便安放在小铁塔内。接着是寺院住持的耻辱柱,那是漂亮的小圆塔,塔顶有个铅皮的塔锥。
She is pillory in the press for her extravagant parties. 她的聚会十分铺张,新闻界对她大加揶揄。
Criticising all with hardly more reverence than the Indian would feel for the clerical band, the judicial robe, the pillory, the gallows, the fireside, or the church. 她几乎和印第安人一样,以不屑的态度批评牧师的丝带,法官的黑袍,颈手枷,绞刑架,家庭或教会。
Meanwhile Hester Prynne was standing beside the scaffold of the pillory, with the scarlet letter still burning on her breast! 与此同时,海丝特-白兰却站在刑台的旁边,胸前依然灼烧着红字!
It was famous, too, for the pillory, a wise old institution, that inflicted a punishment of which no one could foresee the extent; 这监狱还以枷刑闻名。那是一种古老而聪明的制度,那种惩罚伤害之深没有人可以预见。