Among the more colourful examples in this category is Golden Pig ( with the symbol for Pig upside down); I Am slow/ Pregnant and My Abusive Husband Pimps Me Out. 最鲜亮的例子就是金猪纹身(猪字还倒过来了),我很慢/我怀孕了,以及恶夫将我卖。
Around 40 per cent were people calling from New York, ranging from pimps to prisoners to a Wall Street trader. 给他打电话的人中40%是纽约人,他们有的身处花街柳巷,有的身陷囹圄,当然也不乏华尔街商人的身姿。
Many of these pimps are on sale to the highest bidder. 这种眼线很多都是把自己卖给价钱出得最高的人的。
The street was full of hustlers, drug addicts and pimps. 这条街上都是***、吸毒者和皮条客。
Teenage girls on American streets may appear to be selling sex voluntarily, but they're often utterly controlled by violent pimps who take every penny they earn. 美国街头出现的青少年女孩可能自愿卖淫,但是她们往往是屈从于皮条客的暴力掌控,而女孩们所挣的没一分钱都进他们的口袋。
Pimps were shot, goons were massacred. 妓院老板们被枪毙,打手们被成批处死。
Today they can control their image, set their prices, and sidestep some of the pimps, madams, and other intermediaries who once took a share of the revenue. 她们可以控制她们的图片,确定她们的价格,并避免皮条客、老鸨或其他中间人分走一部分收入。
One of the most vexing questions people have is why teenage girls don't run away more often from pimps who assault them and extract all the money they earn. 人们最感到恼火的其中一点就是为什么那些少女不更努力的逃离那些殴打她们,压榨她们每一分钱的皮条客。
Indeed, why not the patrons and the pimps? 说真的,为什么老鸨和皮条客没有游街呢?
The pimps and racketeers on the avenue. 大街上为***拉客和进行诈骗的人。
Homeless young people are easy prey for drugdealers and pimps. 无家可归的年轻人最容易成为毒品贩子和拉皮条者的为害对象。
Pimps usually sleep with their employees. 拉皮条的通常会跟手下的“雇员”上床。
But the pimps, drug dealers and other pirates are simply servicing the market. 但皮条客、毒品交易商和其它盗版者只不过是在为市场服务。