
美 [ˈpoʊlstərz]

n.  民意测验主办人; 民意调查员


  1. 民意调查人;民意测验机构
    A pollster is a person or organization who asks large numbers of people questions to find out their opinions on particular subjects.


    1. A series of television and newspaper polls suggest a close race between the three front-runners and pollsters think the result is likely to be settled in a run-off a week after the first vote.
    2. People in the Middle East, especially Muslims, were especially likely to tell the pollsters they believe the United States plotted the attacks.
    3. The study of 2,018 adults by pollsters ICM found Britons talk about the weather for about 49 hours every year and the subject comes up more often than work, TV, sport or gossip.
    4. Larry Sabato says the pollsters and other experts he knows in Pennsylvania believe Clinton has a lead of between four and seven percentage points ahead of next Tuesday's primary and is likely to win.
    5. Some pollsters have concluded that if there is a late shift, it may only happen at the moment voters enter the polling station.
    6. Despite Turkey's emergence as a hub for facial hair transplants, the number of Turkish men wearing mustaches has declined rapidly, according to pollsters.
    7. But pollsters have asked questions about it for decades now, while economists interpret the data.
    8. The tournament has proved to be a happy refuge for Brazilians who, just a few weeks ago, were so displeased with their country's direction that they told pollsters it was a bad idea to host the competition.
    9. Pollsters may count only those whom they consider to be "likely voters".
    10. Pollsters TNS Global conducted the research for football World Cup sponsor Duracell.
    11. But pollsters say the public tends to connect failing infrastructure with reports of corruption.
    12. Of course, thought consumers may tell pollsters they will pay a premium, getting them to do so at the shop may be trickier.
    13. These are the findings of a survey by a pollsters company.
    14. But pollsters say Senator Kerry has underperformed with women voters.
    15. But even friendly pollsters such as Stanley Greenberg and James Carville are picking up signs that the president is becoming vulnerable on national-security issues.
    16. Today, open support for segregation is so rare that pollsters no longer bother to ask the question.
    17. Still, however intractable reality may be, pollsters are under pressure to send a clear message.
    18. And of course, there are several reasons to lie to pollsters but no reasons to make a money-losing bet.
    19. Hard-up companies will be tempted to opt for cheaper, DIY solutions, to the irritation of established pollsters.
    20. And pollsters believe that they may not make up their mind until they enter the polling booth.
    21. Whatever voters tell pollsters about China, the underlying trends are good, they say.
    22. Pollsters and analysts say Mr Obama is now so well ahead of his Republican rival that it would take an exceptional event for him to lose.
    23. First, he energised his supporters, prompting pollsters to bump up their projections of Republican turnout on election day.
    24. The pollsters interviewed the graduates in January – six months after they left university.
    25. Nearly nine out of 10 voters told the pollsters they were worried about the economy; two-fifths said their own living standards had fallen.
    26. Online electronic prediction markets, for example, in which ordinary people bet on the outcome of various events, were more accurate than professional pollsters at predicting the outcome of the last US presidential election.
    27. Many voters tell pollsters that higher taxes are not the way to fix Britain's deficit& but neither are spending cuts.
    28. When asked what it meant by pollsters, most struggled, then fell back on such banalities as "the stiff upper lip" and "drinking tea".
    29. It's not a formal survey of the sort that, say, political pollsters use.
    30. A mere 18% of respondents recently told YouGov pollsters that they think the proposed changes are right.