
英 [pɒt] 美 [pɑːt]

n.  锅; (盛食品的)罐,瓶,壶; (某种用途的)容器
v.  把…栽入盆中; 种盆栽; 击(球)入袋; 射杀,射猎(飞禽或走兽)



Oxford 3000 / Collins.3 / BNC.2782 / COCA.2235



    烹饪 for cooking

  1. a deep round container used for cooking things in
    1. pots and pans
  2. 容器 container

  3. (盛食品的)罐,瓶,壶
    a container made of glass, clay or plastic, used for storing food in
    1. a pot of jam
    2. a yogurt pot
  4. (某种用途的)容器
    a container of various kinds, made for a particular purpose
    1. a coffee pot
    2. a pepper pot
    3. a teapot
    4. Is there any more tea in the pot?
  5. 一罐,一瓶,一壶(的量)
    the amount contained in a pot
    1. They drank a pot of coffee.
  6. 陶盆;陶罐;碗
    a bowl, etc. that is made by a potter
    1. 钱 money

    2. (一局纸牌游戏的)赌注总额,全部赌注
      the total amount of money that is bet in a card game
      1. 凑集的资金;凑合的钱
        all the money given by a group of people in order to do sth together, for example to buy food
        1. 毒品 drug

          毒品 drug

          发射 shot

          发射 shot

          台球等 in billiards, etc.

        2. 击球入袋
          the act of hitting a ball into one of the pockets around the edge of the table
          1. 胃 stomach

            胃 stomach


            植物 plant

          1. 把…栽入盆中;种盆栽
            to put a plant into a flowerpot filled with soil
            1. 台球等 in billiards, etc.

            2. 击(球)入袋
              to hit a ball into one of the pockets (= holes at the corners and edges of the table)
              1. He potted the black to take a 7–3 lead.
            3. 射击 shoot

            4. 射杀,射猎(飞禽或走兽)
              to kill an animal or a bird by shooting it


              1. N-COUNT 锅
                A pot is a deep round container used for cooking stews, soups, and other food.
                1. ...metal cooking pots.
                2. A pot of stew, soup, or other food is an amount of it contained in a pot.
                3. He was stirring a pot of soup.
              2. N-COUNT 茶壶;咖啡壶
                You can use pot to refer to a teapot or coffee pot.
                1. There's tea in the pot.
                2. A pot of tea or coffee is an amount of it contained in a pot.
                3. He spilt a pot of coffee.
              3. N-COUNT (装果酱、油漆等的)罐,桶
                A pot is a cylindrical container for jam, paint, or some other thick liquid.
                1. Hundreds of jam pots lined her scrubbed shelves.
                2. A pot of jam, paint, or some other thick liquid is an amount of it contained in a pot.
                3. ...a pot of red paint.
              4. 同 flowerpot
                A pot is the same as a flowerpot .
                1. VERB 把…栽入盆中
                  If you pot a young plant, or part of a plant, you put it into a container filled with soil, so it can grow there.
                  1. Pot the cuttings individually.
                  2. ...potted plants.
                2. ***
                  Pot is sometimes used to refer to the drugs cannabis and marijuana.
                  1. QUANT 一大笔;很多;大量
                    If you have pots of money, you have a lot of it.
                    1. He must have pots of money.
                  2. (一盘纸牌游戏中各玩家所下的)赌注总额,全部赌注
                    In a card game, the pot is the money from all the players which the winner of the game will take as a prize.
                    1. N-SING 公共基金
                      You can refer to a fund consisting of money from several people as the pot .
                      1. I've taken some money from the pot for wrapping paper.
                    2. 大肚子;罗汉肚
                      Someone who has a pot has a round, fat stomach which sticks out, either because they eat or drink too much, or because they have had very little to eat for some time.
                      1. (幼儿用的)便壶
                        A pot is a deep bowl which a small child uses instead of a toilet.
                        1. VERB (斯诺克及台球中)击(球)入袋
                          In the games of snooker and billiards, if you pot a ball, you succeed in hitting it into one of the pockets.
                          1. He did not pot a ball for the next two frames.
                        2. See also: potted chamber pot chimney pot coffee pot lobster pot melting pot plant pot
                        3. PHRASE (因无人照料或经营)垮掉,没落,衰落;荒废
                          If something goes to pot, it loses all its good qualities because nobody looks after it or works at it.
                          1. The neighbourhood really is going to pot.
                        4. 如果你没有预约,就敲门试试运气吧。 → see: If you haven't made an appointment, take pot luck and knock on the door...


                        1. She was messing with the coffee pot, which was acting up again.
                        2. He brewed a pot of coffee.
                        3. Order me a pot of tea, I'm dying of thirst.
                        4. Watch your fingers as you dip into the pot
                        5. Enclose the pot in a clear polythene bag
                        6. A large terracotta pot planted with Busy Lizzie provides a fiery bright red display.
                        7. After the pot is dipped in this mixture, it is fired
                        8. Unconsciously, by force of habit, she plugged the coffee pot in.
                        9. The republic is a melting pot of different nationalities.
                        10. Marseilles has proved to be a better racial melting pot than Lyons.
                        11. Their fate is still in the melting pot.
                        12. She picked up the coffee pot, then plopped it down and went into the living room.
                        13. There's tea in the pot.
                        14. Hundreds of jam pots lined her scrubbed shelves.
                        15. Pot the cuttings individually.
                        16. He must have pots of money.
                        17. I've taken some money from the pot for wrapping paper.
                        18. He did not pot a ball for the next two frames.
                        19. The neighbourhood really is going to pot.
                        20. If you haven't made an appointment, take pot luck and knock on the door
                        21. Coffee steamed in the richly decorated silver pot.
                        22. Shall I ring for a fresh pot of tea?
                        23. Why not throw it all in the pot and see what happens?
                        24. During the night a gust of wind had blown the pot over.
                        25. The earthen pot is grazed inside.
                        26. Pour the dregs away and rinse the pot.
                        27. The soup is boiling [ bubbling] in the pot.
                        28. The pot is boiling dry.
                        29. Pass up the paint pot and brush.
                        30. Surrounded heavily by our troops, the enemy were like a fish in the pot.



                          go to pot

                        • 荒废;荒疏;疏懒
                          to be spoiled because people are not working hard or taking care of things
                          1. the pot calling the kettle black

                          2. 锅笑壶黑;五十步笑百步;乌鸦说猪黑
                            used to say that you should not criticize sb for a fault that you have yourself
                            1. pot luck

                            2. 碰运气;撞大运;随遇而安
                              when you take pot luck , you choose sth or go somewhere without knowing very much about it, but hope that it will be good, pleasant, etc.
                              1. It's pot luck whether you get good advice or not.
                              2. You're welcome to stay to supper, but you'll have to take pot luck (= eat whatever is available) .
                            3. pots of money

                            4. 大笔的金钱;巨额款项
                              a very large amount of money
                              1. a crock/pot of gold

                              2. 不大可能得到的大笔奖赏(或报偿)
                                a large prize or reward that sb hopes for but is unlikely to get
                                1. in the melting pot

                                2. 要起变化;处于变化之中
                                  likely to change; in the process of changing
                                  1. put a quart into a pint pot

                                  2. 将…置于容不下之处
                                    to put sth into a space that is too small for it
                                    1. a watched pot never boils

                                    2. 心急水不开(越心急,时间过得越慢)
                                      used to say that when you are impatient for sth to happen, time seems to pass very slowly



                                      1. metal or earthenware cooking vessel that is usually round and deep

                                        1. street names for marijuana

                                            Synonym:    grassgreen goddessdopeweedgagesesssenssmokeskunklocoweedMary Jane

                                          1. a container in which plants are cultivated

                                              Synonym:    flowerpot

                                            1. a resistor with three terminals, the third being an adjustable center terminal

                                                Synonym:    potentiometer

                                              1. a plumbing fixture for defecation and urination

                                                  Synonym:    toiletcancommodecrapperpottystoolthrone

                                                1. slang for a paunch

                                                    Synonym:    potbellybay windowcorporationtummy

                                                  1. the cumulative amount involved in a game (such as poker)

                                                      Synonym:    jackpotkitty

                                                    1. the quantity contained in a pot

                                                        Synonym:    potful

                                                      1. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent
                                                        1. a batch of letters
                                                        2. a deal of trouble
                                                        3. a lot of money
                                                        4. he made a mint on the stock market
                                                        5. see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos
                                                        6. it must have cost plenty
                                                        7. a slew of journalists
                                                        8. a wad of money

                                                        Synonym:    batchdealflockgood dealgreat dealhatfulheaplotmassmessmicklemintmountainmucklepasselpeckpileplentyquite a littleraftsightslewspatestacktidy sumwad


                                                      1. plant in a pot
                                                        1. He potted the palm